Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've had Stella Belle for four months now. She is 8 months and I am currently treating her fourth urinary tract infection. Talk about frustrating and financially it's becoming difficult. Every urinalysis is 60.00 before and after rx. Stella is currently on a three week coarse of abx rx. Training is a nightmare as she doesn't have much urinary control
And not to mention her submissive and excitement peeing. Has anyone experienced this and did it get better. My fear is this will be chronic

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So sorry you are having this issue with poor Stella Belle!  Perhaps you could post this in the group called...

Health and Medical Issues   and it will reach some folks who have had the same experience.    

Sending healing vibs for your sweet girl!

We have a three month old pup, Zoey.  She didn't have excited peeing the first two weeks.  People came in with that high pitched voice and made her very excited.  Then, she peed three times in a row seeing people.  I started telling people not to raise their voice and make her sit down. Also, wait for awhile before playing with her.  They have and she hasn't done it for two weeks now.  We often pick her up when we come home or make her sit and calmly pet her and Kate, our other dog.  I think I have often trained behavior which becomes a problem when they are older.  

Online there were sites that can give you info about the UTI's also.  I would think a sanitary cut would be helpful and lots of water.  Maybe she is not emptying completely.  There may be an underlying cause that will show itself eventually.  Good luck.  I wonder if they can keep her on low grade antibiotic for awhile until they figure it out???  

I have been meaning to reply for a couple days.  We have a goldendoodle Izzy who will be 5 months tomorrow.  Around 3 months she was diagnosed with a UTI that did not go away with 2 weeks of antibiotic.  We changed antibiotic (for another 2 weeks) and we have been infection free for about 3 weeks now.  A couple of questions . . .

1.  Have the 4 infections all been distinctly different or is it possible that two or more have been the same infection that didn't respond to an original treatment of antibiotics?

2.  Have you ever had a culture and sensitivity test done to determine the type of bacteria that is causing the infections? 

3.  Has your vet suggested further steps (ultrasound, blood work, etc) to determine underlying causes? 

I was so frustrated trying to house train a puppy with a UTI - I do understand.  I also understand that the costs just keep piling up with repeated UTI's.  I was ready to demand the culture and sensitivity testing if the 2nd round of antibiotics didn't work.  It would have cost more money up front but hopefully we would have determined the appropriate antibiotic to use and it would eliminate multiple urinalysis in the future. 

We've only had a little excitement peeing (only a couple of times when I picked Izzy up for daycare) - I do know it is very common and if your poor puppy has delayed urinary control due to the repeated UTI's, she really can't control it. 

I would highly recommend starting probiotics if you haven't already.  I did this with the 2nd round of antibiotics and didn't have trouble with loose stools with that round. 

Good luck and please keep us posted!



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