Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lexee is 14 weeks old and I don't see any signs of a doodle in her except for a little beard under her chin.....Does anyone have an older doodle that looked like this and now looks more doodly.....It is neat to see the changes but would like to know if she will become more curly......Love her nonetheless but neat to see the different puppies from her litter...they all look so differently but she is definitely the most retrieverish.....She is an F2b mini.....Also, she weighed 8.5 lbs at 8 weeks? what size do you think she will grow to be if her mother weighed 16 lbs and her dad 40lbs....Thanks

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It looks to me like she will be doodley! She has a fuzzy face instead of a smooth one. Hang in there. She sure is a cutie! 

Here is another pic of her!!!:)
Those little fuzzies are the beginning of her doodling. There wouldn't be fur sticking out of her face was going to be smooth. Look at the pictures in the group called Where's the poodle in my doodle.
She is so cute!!! It's funny, I spent the first 5 months of my doodles life looking for signs of a beard or that she would be doodly and then I looked back at pics of how cute she was as a tiny puppy and now I wasted so much time wondering what she would look like in the future. Your pup looks sweet as can be. Congratulations and enjoy!
She is a cutey pie and looks so happy. Enjoy her, she is adorable.

I think she will definitely grow into her doodle looks! Those crazy little wisps sprouting out from her face and around her body are evidence of a shaggy coat.

Check out the photos on my page of Yogi. His coat was very wispy until around 8 months of age when his coat finally came in. She's adorable!

I see what you mean!  When Yogi was 4.5 months old, he looked very much like Lexee and then changed dramatically later!  So cute.  Kona never did have the retriever look, so it is amazing how different they all are and how they all change later!  Kona was much more red at 4 months, and now he is more apricot and cream at 2.5 years old

Looks doodley to me . What a doll :-)

I think she will doodle out.

I think she will doodle out.  She is adorable!

OMG!  She is flippin' adorable in her own unique scruffy way! Kona's dad was 20 pounds and his mom was 40 pounds.  He ended up smack in the middle at 30 pounds after he turned 2 years old.  He was 25 pounds from age 8 months to 18 months.  He was the runt of the litter and was only 3.5 pounds when I got him at 8 weeks old.  

He had wavier and thicker hair than Lexee and looked more "doodlish" than Lexee, but he got much more "doolish" after he was 8 months old if that helps.  

Our Kate is 16 months.  She was similar in fluff but not quite as long last year.  I clipped her because she was so hot.  At one inch long it is a lot wavier than previously.  Half the fun is guessing what she will look like.



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