Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We need ideas for a red boy. His big sis is Zoe (pronounced Zoey). We like boy names for boys that don't end in "ee" and are short. He is 1 week old!


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If I ever got a red doodle I might name him Finnegan. Red reminds me if the Irish and so does Finnegan or Finn.

I love Finn/Finnegan 

Our dog, Gus (died this January) was originally called Finley..which did NOT fit him. Makes it difficult to pick Finn. =( 

Here he is!!! We get him in a week. Here is the short list for names:

Fred (short like Gus who we lost in January)

Zach (still working on the two Z's)

Pacer (in about a year we hope to start to train him to run with us. Zoe used to go 5 miles.)

He is adorable. Love all the names you have chosen.  Can't wait to hear what your final choice is.

I take care of a mini goldendoodle who's name is Pacer and he is every bit of that.  He runs nonstop continually.  Be careful what you wish for in a name! LOL 

I recently saw someone had named their dog Cowboy!  I think that is super cute too.  Our breeder had a gorgeous red standard labradoodle who's name was Rogue.  Looking forward to what you decide.  I think he looks like a Zac, Zach or Zack! Haha  He is definitely off the charts cute!

He is a gorgeous pup. His coat is such a pretty color!

What an absolutely adorable puppy!  He snuggles up and cocks his head to the side, looking very inquisitive.   I'll love to hear what you decide about his name. 

What about Zeke? That would go with Zoe. :-)

We've had Angus, Fergus, Magnus, Haemish, and Tavish. 

Personally I would not go with another Z name, It will be to confusing for Zoe and the new puppy. We are getting a sibling for or sweet little girl "Finlee" the middle of Oct. And I also don't want a name ending in ee or starting with F.. lol

BTW the new puppy is Darling!

Meet Tucker!

Also known (in 24 hours) as 

Tucker the Terrible

Tucker the Tank



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