Was considering purchasing the Paw Creme for Scrappy's rough paw pads....anyone else use it and is it worth the purchase price?
Also noticed the product Musher's Secret/the Invisible Boot.....a wax-like paw protector...any experiences with that?
You really dont want to use either of those products. A dogs paw pads are like our shoes, the better the sole the better performance and comfort to their/our walking.
If you soften their rough pads they will be walking on baby fine soft skin, they will have no protection from the ice cold snow, the razor sharp frozen ground and ice. In the summer their feet can actually become burned from the hot pavement and sidewalks, the pollen will irritate the paws easier.
My advise is let them be and spend the money on a pedicure for yourself! :)
thanks, that's another way of seeing it...makes alot of sense. Although the Musher's Secret is also supposed to protect them against the hot pavement in the summer. I'll give it some more thought and ironically, I can't afford the pedicure for myself.....so why do I worry so much about the doodles paws? I swear it's worse than having spoiled kids.
I have been using Mushers secret and think it works great. It does soften up her paws and really helps with snowballing. The only problem is that with fresh snow she actually looks like she's skiing until it gets worked in. I now keep her in at least an hour before letting her out. The plus on MS is that it works year round and only has to be put on once a week as compared to daily like some others. It has become a Sunday morning ritual, I say Musher time and she lays down and I put it on and she has never tried to lick it off. She's so cute !