Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
For many years DoodleKisses was our sole place of communication. We have over 10,000 members and while we lost a few of our beloved doodles it wasn't an every day occurrence. I know that many of you are on FB now and a member of Doodle Family. While I'm not real active there I am still a member on the site. I see it in my feed and occasionally when I feel I have something of value to add I will do so. What has been troubling me lately, is the number of sick and dying doodles on the site. There are only 1714 members. When you compare the two sites member wise, it just seems off. Has anyone else noticed this? I just wonder why? It is actually a little scary and definitely very sad.
Sad to hear. I dont belong to any of those groups on FB. I was in the Goldendoodles Group and RAN when I saw others asking what dog would be good to breed their 6 month old girl with, bad food advice, horrible training ideas...... on and on.
Sadly, if you disagree or try to offer thoughts, you get reported to admin for asking them not to breed their puppy. Pfft. I dont need that in my life.
Here, we can discuss :)
What a great place.
I'm very sorry to hear of the other sick dogs. Forgive me for saying this but maybe it is the horrible advice some of those groups give out
I agree with every word you've written here, Joanne. Exactly right on every point. And the health advice in those groups is so bad, it's frightening.
It got me so upset and worried. I feel like I gave up...... and I get disappointed that I did. All I can do now is hope they find a place like this and walk away.
Yes, I think we learn quickly what to say and what to just stay out of. I do think a lot of the reasons people are asking is financial and that is why I try and push pet insurance so often. I'm just getting to the point where I don't even wanna watch any sites anymore because of all the sadness. If seeing the rescues isn't bad enough then you have to see all the sick ones too. Ugh.
I have even seen it here, where you try to offer someone sound advice on breeders or whatever and they throw a hissy and close their account in a huff.
Oh yes, we've had it here too, but they are usually people who wouldn't have contributed even if they'd stayed. I say, Good Riddance.
Quite frankly, I never knew any of those other places existed, so I have never so much as checked them out.
I don't follow those other groups but I'm sure what everyone is saying is a big part of the reason. It's been a heartbreaking week on DK though for sure.
Slightly off-track but not really. Sadly, you're on to something Cindy. Early Spay/Neuter has been associated with early joint and bone disease as well as certain types of cancer. The evidence is growing. I also knew nothing about it but its "positive" benefits when I got Finn. My U of P trained vet was not happy about it and told me so at our first "well puppy" visit. But I didn't start to seriously research it until FInn was diagnosed with HD at 18 months. There wasn't a lot at that point but more is available now. I'll just cite a 2013 UCDavis study that everyone should read. I think a warning should be added to our Recommended Breeder Guidelines. We tell potential owners to insist on health testing, we give feeding guidelines, informed health advice etc. etc. but we don't say anything about refusing to purchase a puppy from a breeder that does ESN or AT LEAST posting a warning. I'm certain this will get some ALD breeder's panties in a twist -- but frankly, I don't care. The loss of your beautiful boy may or may not be related, but it makes me more determined to speak up. Thanks for staying on with us, Cindy.
Amen, Cheryl. The only reason these ALD breeders do ESN is to protect their own interests at the expense of the puppies they bring into the world. What a shame that they are selling puppies to people they cannot trust to spay/neuter at the right time, or that they are producing so many dogs that they can't keep track of them. You will not find one single highly reputable purebred breeder who is doing ESN; in fact, they often have a clause in their purchase agreements forbidding the owner to spay/neuter before a certain age! It's only the ALD breeders doing this, and it's for purely financial reasons.
Right on, Karen. So how do we get it into our How to Pick a Breeder guidelines? At least a warning so that people who are trying to do everything right can make their own decision. That's where everyone goes for help on selecting a breeder. If 13,000 people start to spread the word, soon it will be 26,000 and eventually ALD breeders will have to come around. Some have, but still too few.
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