Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Luna is 4.5 months old and about 35 lbs at this point. She has been the best dog and we LOVE her coat right now... But I haven't seen many young golden doodle puppies that are quite as shaggy as she is. Seems like they are either curly or don't get shaggy until much older. Would love to see more pics of pups who look like/used to look like our girl :) just for fun! I posted one pic of her as a puppy @8 weeks old and one now @4.5 months

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Hi Brinadee, your puppy is adorable.

Somehow, you duplicated this discussion. There are two of them open in this forum, you might want to delete the other one before you have responses in both, which could be very confusing. Here's the link:

Thanks for pointing that out. I deleted the other post and also posted the second picture of what Luna looks like now that didn't get attached last time for some reason!

She is a beauty! This is what Winnie looked like at 4.5 months- shaggy, but her fur isn't as long as Luna's...

Love it so cute!

Looks like a goldendoodle pup to me.

Yes, she is a golden doodle.

Oh, she has my favorite scruffy doodle look! 

Here is our sweet Koda throughout his first year. He looked very much like your Lunda at that age. His coat is beautiful and shaggy! Love him to pieces!


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