Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Due to our dog licking his rump area and his continued urge to lick we are now using a cone. After shaving the area and expressing the anal glands he is still uncomfortable. The vet prescribed prednisone for 6 days but I really am not comfortable with giving him the meds due to possible side affects. Trying to just administer the pain meds to see if that helps with the discomfort, but wondering if anyone has experience with a less harsh natural or alternative anti inflammation option?

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Nope. With all medical decisions, you have to weigh benefits against risks. Anything that is powerful enough to have an effect can also have side effects, "natural" or not. "Natural" isn't synonymous with "safe", and rest assured that if there was something effective that was also free of side-effects, every vet would be prescribing it like crazy, lol.

Prednisone used judiciously is a wonder drug, and 6 days of treatment is not going to cause any long-term side-effects. Pain meds have side-effects, too. Please follow your vet's advice, you will be so glad you did when you see how much better your dog feels. 


I'm just wondering if the Vet said what the cause of the licking was?  Something is causing the itching/discomfort and if it's not the anal glands I'm curious as to what the Vet thinks it could be.

The only side-effect I have ever noticed when I have given my doodle Prednisone is more frequent urination.  My girl is 4 years old and has had to have Prednisone at least 4 times in her life already (ear infections, and a possible sting/bite injury).  Just follow the instructions carefully and your pup will definitely feel better!  By the way...the continued licking and discomfort  could be from the fact that the area was shaved!

One of my dogs goes through periodic episodes of licking her anus and the underside of the base of her tail. With our vet's permission, I have applied Betamethasone Valerate, which is a prescription-strength clear liquid form of Cortisone. Used twice each day, it definitely helps alleviate the itching and promotes heeling. It cannot be used, though, if the area is raw, as it will sting. 

I use a prescription hydrocortisone spray when Murph starts lapping his anal seems to give him immediate relief.



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