Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nala is now going on 8 months and I think shes grown beautifully. Shes been flawlessly housebroken for months now and loves everybody she meets. The leash biting problem started when I first got her the Easy Walk harness. I'm sure everyone has heard of it but just for the reference I'll put a link here:

I got it because Nala began pulling more and more on our walks and the easy walk stopped the pulling instantly, almost like magic. However, a terrible leash biting habit developed right after. 

Nala is 53 pounds and very strong. 5 minutes into almost every walk, she would begin to bite and tug on the leash while growling and pulling very hard. No matter what I do or say, it will only make the biting and tugging worse. My method of curbing that as of now is holding the leash as close to me as possible and continuing to walk until she stops, and she usually does. But I have to be very patient and I hate having to walk down the street with Nala barking and growling and tugging at the leash. She looks absolutely out of control.

Another side note, Nala has never shown aggression towards anything or anyone ever since I got her at 8 weeks old. This leash biting display, I believe, isn't aggression, but frustration, because she does not like this new harness that is disabling her from pulling me on our walks when she wants to. But I will not switch back to the regular harnesses. 

Can anyone give me helpful advice?

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The next time she does it, step on the leash, fairly close to her body, so she can't bite it. I would not engage her at all (turn away from her, ignore her) until she's calm. Then try again, if she bites it, step on it again and ignore her. She will get it eventually. Many of the doodles here went through this phase. Good luck!
Also, my dog hated the Gentle Leader (similar to Easy Walk), he literally went beserk. We purchased a no-pull harness at petco and never looked back. He's 85 lbs and never pulls as long as he has the harness on. I think it was either this one or similar to it:

I agree with this advice.  She's just being a brat and letting you know that she was happier when she could pull you where she wanted to go.  It certainly isn't aggression....IMO you're right about the frustration.  I would not move forward (and most of all that's what she wants) until the biting of the leash stops.  Then start again.  It will take several times, but eventually she'll figure out that she isn't going to win. 

I found this video tutorial so helpful. It works with socks, towels, hands or whatever else you dog bites. 

Excellent video...thank you for posting.

I would also temporarily use a chain leash which is a biting deterrent in itself.

Spray your leash, and hands if necessary, with Bitter Apple. My guy was so bad as a puppy that I actually used to carry a bottle of it on walks with us so I could reapply it. She is still a puppy and it will take time, but she will grow out of it. Mine was about 14 months old when he finally quit doing it completely! Make sure you are adjusting the fit of the harness as she grows, it could be uncomfortable for her, even when she isn't pulling. (The EZ Walk, amongst other no-pull harnesses is known to cause shoulder problems even when fitting correctly, the whole principle of these harnesses is they restrict shoulder motion to prevent pulling, which over the long term creates injury). Remember, the harness is a training tool, keep working on loose leash walking (when she's not biting the leash!) so that eventually you won't need it anymore.



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