Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


The breeder search is killing me :) Looking for a breeder in New England/NY/NJ - if someone could kindly inbox me with suggestions that would be great - I have yet to find someone who fits the bill and am a bit concerned - I am almost to the point, where I am going based on the conversations I have with the breeder and my gut. We would love a dog for early January and realize now is the time to act. Have been back and forth and have decided on a goldendoodle, but then again what is best for a family who travels (with dog) and of course me (who works from home) - thinking somewhat mellow temperament.  I am all for the walks, etc... Does F1, F1B, F2 multi generational, yada yada make any difference.  HELP!

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I certainly don't know what the market is like for Goldendoodles, but for my breeder (for Australian Labradoodles), I got on the wait list in April 2015 for a puppy Winter 2016.  I your wait isn't as long as mine.

Oh no!  I remember getting a dog when I was a kid was as simple as let's go get a puppy.  Never any issues - maybe we got lucky - but had the best dog who lived 17 years!  Here's hoping.

Hi Wendy,

If you check your inbox and accept my friend request, you will see a recommendation for a Massachusetts breeder.

Good luck in your search!

Message me for recommendation. Got ours in Maine.



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