Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone's dog ever have a hoarse voice?

If I did  not know it was my dog, I would not recognize Spud's bark today.  It is completely different

He is playing and acting normal but that voice is crazy weird 


It appears to be an upper respiratory infection of some kind and yes, maybe kennel cough or dog flu.

He is happy today, but gets completely out of breath with any activity and starts breathing and rattling hard.  He is not coughing.  Sounds more like the nose and throat area. 

If things do not improve, he will be sedated to get a further view of the respiratory tract. 

Get Well Soon, Spud 

Thank you for  your thoughts


We saw Spud's regular vet this afternoon. 

His chest is clear. It is not kennel cough. He is not coughing. The focus is  now on the  heart and/or the swollen airway. Those where the vet's chief concerns but the reasons are unknown. By the time we got there he was quiet and calm but I did show the vet the videos of these episodes we are experiencing and he clearly agreed, " that isnt right" he said. 

No more activity. Just keep him really quiet ( ya, right)   

We will continue the antibiotic and he was given prednisone to get the swelling out of his airway.  If it continues, he will get some xrays. I wish, I would have insisted the xrays would have been done today.   It's his airway! 

 I didnt notice, but he has lost some weight since August on his weight today.  

He is happy, eating, and wants to play. He just cant play without loosing his breath 

Thanks for your thoughts!   

Update 3

WOOF!  WOOF! woof woof woof woof woof and a few great growls too!   

Someone knocked on the front door.   It took me a while to shut him down again.   LOL  

He has turned the corner and it's deep.  Normal. A little husky. Like Sexy -husky   


Final Update-with 5 days to go on steroids I think we have crossed over to normal.  We played today 

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Dogs usually sound hoarse at the beginning of kennel cough. :(

Maybe a vet visit? 

We were there two months ago to this very week.  Of course, he had a Bordetella , but we know that is not full proof. He was only around Bill, another doodle, 3 weeks ago, who is healthy and also has his vaccines.  No runny nose....yet.    I'll give him 24 hours of this silly bark since he is acting normal.   Airways are nothing to mess with though. Glad I am home today and can keep a watch on him  

He sounds like a tiny terrier 

I am uploading a audio.  It is so high-pitched.  Remember, this is a 62lb dog with a deep voice 

The video is poor quality but you can hear him 

Oh wow he really does sound like a little terrier....poor guy.  Murph has had a slight case of Bordetella once but his bark never sounded like this.  If it's not better tomorrow, I'd call the vet.  Let us know what happens...good luck.

The dogs I've heard with bordatella sounded raspier and rougher than this, if that makes sense. 

Ditto Jane's comment; hope he's okay. 

He does sound weird - kind of like the squeakers that are embedded in toys.  Poor Spud.  Let us know what happens next - that he is better or what the vet says.  Ours have had Bordatella and it never affected their bark - although maybe they didn't bark when they had it???

I just called.  Nothing they can do on the phone. Watch, wait, and bring him in tomorrow am.  Ugh

I'm wondering if a leaf or something is rubbing the larynx? 

RJ....please let us know.

That does sound strange alright, Boris jumped up once he heard that crazy bark..It doesn't sound like kennel cough. Hopefully nothing too serious.

Aww, poor Spud, I hope it's nothing serious. He does kind of sound like my aunt's little yorkie.

Fingers crossed that Spud is fine and back to his normal big boy bark soon!!



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