Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all, 

It has been awhile since I have been on here and very happy to say we have a new doodle to add to our family. We just got the news yesterday that Bodhi most likely has Addison's disease. :(

He has been on venectyl-p for the last four and half years for allergies and MASTICATORY MYOSITIS. I was scared to have him on the drug for so long so decided to start to wean him off with the help of my vet. All of a sudden his hair started falling out, he was having crazy diarrhea and vomitting, lethargy and loss of appetite. We were very sad an concerned for our boy.

When we took him to the vet they took his blood and x-rays and told us that the venectyl-p has eaten away at his stomach lining and that is why he is so sick right now. They then said we need to get him off of it. Then they mention addison's disease and that they need to do the blood test to see if that is what he has. So our dilemma is we wean him off the medication and hope he doesn't have an addisonian crisis, do the test and then put him back on the medication so he stays alive. So very stressful and worried for my beautiful boy!!

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I am very sorry to hear this, Cori.

Are you working with a veterinary internal medicine specialist? If not, I would strongly urge you to consult with one. They have a lot more experience and knowledge about diagnosing and treating these diseases than general practice vets do. 

I too am sorry to hear all this. I think Karen's advice is exactly right.

My regular Vet recommended an IMS who was the best resource in our state for handling Murphy's might want to ask your vet for a referral so you find the most qualified Specialist.  I'm so very sorry that you and Bodhi are going through this.  Here's hoping with treatment he starts feeling better soon.

I know a little about human Addison's disease as I have it. My dog is also on prednisone for low cortisol. I am not giving advise but just maybe some questions to ask your specialist. I am sure they already know but being on steroids induces a secondary type of addisons. In humans once you are on a certain dose of steroids, your adrenal glands stop making cortisol because your body is getting it in other ways.

Sometimes super slow weans (again, I wouldn't do this without your vet) can help reawaken the adrenal glands. Sometimes not. Also in humans I don't know if that applies to canines but you can still take a form of steroids dexamethosone and still get accurate results in the ACTH stimulation test which is the only test that is accurate in diagnosing addisons. I wonder if dogs can get dexamethosone ?

My guess with the amount of steroids your baby has been on, the part of the brain that sends the signal to make cortisol stopped sending it.

If Bodhi does have addisons, it is very treatable and dogs can go on and live long lives. As far as the stomach lining. ...stupid steroids......if he has to stay on that medicine, can you give it to him with food or some treats ? That should help .

Again, I am no where near knowledgable about what exactly to do, just wanted to throw some ideas out there for you to discuss with your vet.....

Best of luck

I'm so sad to hear this.  I have no advice other than to second Karen's advice.  Just sending sympathy and support for you and Bodhi.  I too hope he feels better soon.

I so hope they can help your sweet boy.  Please update as he progresses.  Wishes you and Bodhi the best possible outcome.

When my GracieDoodle had MM she was on a high dose of Prednisone for a year.  To prevent any stomach irritation such as ulcers, etc. we gave her an anti-acid once a day and also a probiotic.  These were administered at a different time of the day as the Prednisone.  No stomach problems and she has been in remission for two years...fingers crossed!  Sorry to hear about Bodhi and hopefully you can find the right combination of medications.

Great news to let you all know that Bodhi does not have Addison's disease and it wasn't even the venactyl-P that caused his illness just a bad case of an upset tummy!

Now to deal with the insurance agency!! Oh my goodness!!

That is terrific news.  About 7 years ago I had a standard poodle that had health issues and they wanted to test for Addison's, etc.  The tests came back negative, but I had no issue with the insurance company regarding any charges. Good Luck.

Great news.
Great news‼️



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