Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
At 22 weeks, Dixie is still just a baby and really shouldn't be trusted off leash until she has a solid recall. Otherwise, you are putting her at risk for injury or becoming lost as well as being a huge annoyance to other dogs and owners. Are you taking obedience classes? It takes much time, practice and patience to ensure a consistent recall. Start by never letting her loose and calling her back unless you are able to enforce the command. Never chase her-this is a fun game for her and reinforces running from you. You can use a long line to practice recalls. This gives you control. Be sure to give her high praise and rewards when she comes back to you. Also never give a command more than once or she will learn that you don't really mean "come" until you have said it five times..ten times... you get the idea. :(
Ideally, dogs are obedient because the respect you and recognize you as their leader. This relationship is developed over time and Dixie will respond more readily as it solidifies. I would recommend that you investigate Doggy Dan's on line video training courses. He will help you and Dixie develop a relationship that will make both of you happy. :)
I think Ricki's advice is perfect. I would not let a 22 week old puppy off leash....there's lots of training to be done first.
Rebecca, I'm no expert but I would probably continue to arrange meet ups for her in controlled environments(your yard or a friend's) and with dogs that you know. Sometimes older dogs can be helpful in teaching puppies to calm down and be more balanced in social situations but you really need a calm centered dog to be the teacher. So it would be on a case by case basis. But if she is playing with another dog I wouldn't use the "come" command as it's not likely she will respond yet. Maybe part of the visit with the other dog could be with Dixie on a leash and you practicing the come using the dog as a distraction. Then if she doesn't respond you can reel her in and reward her for returning.
It sounds like you have already achieved a great deal with her training. I think the "come" command is one of, if not the most, difficult to train to consistency. There are always new distractions and situations arising that challenge it. And a key is to not place her in situations where she will fail, so avoid those where the distractions are too high for her right now.
The only way I let my dogs off-leash when they were young was in a totally fenced area - playground, dog park, backyard.
Hi Rebecca,
No matter how good her recall is in your home or backyard, Dixie is still a puppy and puppies are easily distracted. Continue to build a strong training foundation as she matures. You're on the right track but dependable recall is a challenge and involves training with a long line or other training tool in a number of different settings again and again as she gets older. I think Ricki's advice is perfect. It's wonderful that she is friendly to other dogs and I would continue to build that off-leash confidence in controlled playdates with calm dogs that you know are friendly…and in fenced secure areas.
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