Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi All!  New to this site.  We're bringing home our first dog which is an F1 goldendoodle in January and we're so excited.  They're currently 3.5 weeks old and we're up next to choose our pup!  

Our breeder said we can expect the dogs to be anywhere between 30 and 45 pounds. The mom is 45 and the dad is 23.  We definitely want one on the larger end of that (preferably close to 45 pounds).  We're also choosing a boy so we think that probably will ensure he is on the larger end of the spectrum.  We asked which two were the biggest boys and so those are the ones we're choosing between.

My question is from other people's experiences with similarly sized parents, is the 45 pound guess accurate?  Our friends told us they had a 42 pound mom and a 16 pound dad and their dog is 60 pounds.  Is there any way to really tell?  I don't mind if he is a little bigger but just curious about others experiences.

My second question has to do with coat.  Our breeder said her favorite one is the darker of the two (2 pics below).  I love his color but my worry is that his coat is going to be the really curly type of coat that I don't really want-- I like the wavy/shaggy look.  The second picture (lighter dog) seems to have more of a flat or wavy coat, but again its so hard to tell at 3.5 weeks what this will actually look like when they're older.  Anybody have comparison pics of their pups at 3/4 weeks and then now that seemed to have similar coat texture?  

Any other advice in terms of choosing which one?  Our breeder wants us to choose soon so we won't be able to wait until 6/7 weeks when they have more of a personality.  What other questions should we be asking assuming we have to choose in the next week or so? 

Thanks so much!!


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Hi Maris ~ Welcome to Doodle Kisses.  I am not that familiar with goldendoodle breeding, but I can say all of these puppies are so cute it is hard to choose one.  I do not know how much research you have done, but if you have your heart set on a non-shedding doodle, the odds are not with an F1 puppy.  One thing positive about and F1 that sheds even lightly, I believe the coat maintenance is easier care than non-shedding doodles.  Be sure to check out the groups section on the main page and join as many as you like.  Again, welcome.

Thanks so much!!  Yeah its so hard to choose, I'm sure either would be great I was just curious what others experiences are with the coats. I'll look around on the groups section as well :)

Hi Maris! I'm new here too and also expecting my puppy soon. I know how you feel, picking a puppy is so hard! Had I been on the list for two doodles instead of one, I probably would have gone for two!  I think you will know when you get to see them just which one you want.  I had my heart set on this little dark apricot, really curly boy and ended up choosing the straightest, lightest coat in the bunch and not really the cutest guy in the bunch either. (something just told me that he was the one)  At 4 weeks he had a personality & little things about him I fell in love with.  This litter is F1b and I was hoping for wavy too but it's hard to tell what he will be. The curly boy I first wanted has now lost the curls on his face and his coat is now more wavy. The one I chose still has the more retriever look about him. Hopefully someone who's a breeder or even your breeder should be able to help a bit more, but I would go with your gut when you are choosing. I read somewhere on here a formula for figuring the weight out but then these guys are two different breeds and there is always a chance for a gene to pop out that produces a bigger or smaller dog. Excited to see which one you choose, all three of those babies are adorable! I know with F1's there is more of a gamble on coat ranges but even my F1b could throw out a straight coat. It's possible.  

After looking at everyone else's Doodles, I'm looking forward to going through the grab bag of coat changes we will be experiencing!  Good luck! 

Hi Patty!  Congrats on your pup, so exciting.  You're probably right in that they change so much its hard to tell when they're this little what they're going to look like in a month and then in 6 months and then full grown. I'll look out for your pictures when you have them of your pup, funny that you ended up going with the one you didn't think you'd like but I'm sure that was the right choice!  

Cute puppies!    They all look as thought they'll have that soft, shaggy, wavy coat.   As for size, I don't think there's any way to really tell what the final results will be.    Banjo's father was a 17lb miniature poodle, the breeder said he'd top out at 38lbs - the most......he actually is 52lbs.     I didn't want ta dog any bigger than love every pound of him!   I think most of us would agree that what ever "wants" we had as we were picking out our puppies, now seem sort of silly.    We got what we got.....and we love them to bits and can't imagine having any other dog.     Looking forward to seeing your new boy!

That makes a lot of sense, I think I'm just overthinking it :)  Thanks for the reply!!

I think that the coat type you are looking for is a lot like my AnnaBelle's.  Here is a link to her From Pup to Adult post in the Pup to Adult Group (you might check out that group).  I don't have any pics handy that are younger than 7 weeks.  I think that the photos you have these puppies will be more on the wavey than curly side.  It is so hard to tell at 3 weeks.  Not sure why the breeder won't let everyone wait until at least 6 weeks to pick.  That is sort of the normal pick time.  They will change a lot between now and then.  Like Carol said though you will love whatever you end up with.

HI there!! I'll check out that group, I don't think that link worked though.  Love you dogs though.  Yeah its super hard to tell this early, I agree I would love to wait a few more weeks to choose but oh well, I'm sure we'll love whichever we pick like you said!  Just an overwhelming decision :)

lol, it would help if I put the link.

Hopefully it works now.  AnnaBelle is now almost 3 and she looks pretty much the same as the 17 months picture.

I think with the early generations of doodles, their size can be unpredictable in most cases. My boy's parents are 45 and 50 lbs, but Orwell is 70 lbs... and he ain't anywhere near fat, lol. 

I agree with Carol... as of now, they both look like they will have a wavy coat. Personally, I'm partial to the second boy. I just love those white patches. Do you get to meet the pups when you choose? 

Ah yeah seems like the size is a total grab bag from what people are saying.  Unfortunately we don't get to meet them, not because we're not allowed to but because the breeder is 4 hours away and we don't have time to go up there this weekend (working).  Ive been asking her for some videos and pictures and more insights into their personalities too so hopefully that helps us inform our decision.  It's so tough!

Too bad your breeder won't let you wait.  I see no downside with making all the families wait a bit.  I agree none of them look like they will be extremely curly, just wavy with perhaps some curls.



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