Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so happy this article popped up in my newsfeed..... I had just asked this question on here last week I think....... Though Jack is never walked without an EZ walker. I am going to have x rays done to be sure this isn't why he licks so much.

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I wonder about this vet's reliability. I see he recommends liver detoxification and promotes tumeric instead a medical antiiinflammatory. Tumeric does have some antiiinflammatory properties but it is not a measurable effect and this is not a medication that has been reliably tested. I also see that Dr. Tobias sells a lot of his "remedies". 

For sure a lot of Dr Dobias recommendations are 'hokum'. But as a human physiotherapist who has done a post-grad diploma in canine rehab, we are taught that the cause of excessive licking or hot spots that won't resolve wth the usual treatment may be caused by nerve symptoms. Just as a person would rub an area where they have neuropathic symptoms (radiculopathy) a dog will lick and fuss with the area, often causing a hot spot.

HA, I knew as soon as I posted it I should have added of course I wasn't talking about the recommendations for the supplements. That said I take very large amounts of Tumeric and it has brought down my inflammatory markers tremendously.   That wasn't what I was going for here, I was going for the point that I had wondered about Jack licking his front paws related to neurologic symptoms as opposed to allergies.  Sometimes we can't throw the baby out with the bath water.   

Thanks for keeping me on my toes.... 

I should have went back and put a disclaimer that I wasn't thinking of buying the supplements... :)

Stella, that is what I was wondering, I had posted a question on here a few weeks ago asking that. I can't seem to find the cause of Jack licking his front paws.  He doesn't have any hot spots but after a long walk or playing he is licking like crazy.... Thanks for your input

Jenn, if he isn't a puller anymore I would change the type of harness you use. The EZ walk is a great training tool for teaching loose leash walking, but it isn't something that should be used long term. The way the harness stops pulling is by putting pressure across the front of the shoulders - preventing a normal length stride from being taken and can cause shoulder issues in the long term. Also, depending on the fit it could place pressure on the nerves crossing the shoulder joint. If he doesn't pull anymore, I would switch to a harness that doesn't have a strap across the front of the chest, an example would be the 'balance' harness or something similar.

Oh my goodness, Thank you for letting me know... I for sure will switch harnesses. I had no idea. He is going to be seven and has used the EZ harness since then.   I will be getting him a balance harness... Thank you again for helping me.. I swear, I need to spend more time researching thing for Jack .. 

So grateful for this group.

Stella, is this what you are talking about??  This hurts me wallets feelings but if it is helpful we will find a way to get it... I just want to make sure this is what you are talking about..

Balance is a brand of harness, you want something in this style.

Basically, what is known as a Y harness, it splits after is has come between the front legs and up around the base of the neck. It does not cross the front of the shoulders.

Thank you.. I think I will order one from the link you provided.   Thank you for your help

Now I am a little nervous ... He doesn't pull when I am walking him on foot.... which is sometimes but at least one of his walks a day..... I know I do the horrible worst dog mother of the year thing and I use a retractable leash while I ride on a scooter .....

I am only able to walk up to a mile a day and that is on my very best days, when I don't exert myself doing anything else. Jack gets at least two usually three One mile walks a day... I am worried that this is going to hurt his neck if something happens while I am on my scooter..... I am probably crippling him with the EZ walker and riding the scooter when I stop short when a car is coming.... 

It doesn't work with a six foot leash and the scooter... I have to have either a really long leash or the retractable....  his neck is only underneath all that fur 8 inches thick...I fear this might hurt him too.

Is there such a thing that doesn't put pressure on the neck or limit his mobility  in the event the scooter stop and jerks him...?  I will have to think this through.. the things I don't even know about scare me.. Poor Jack... 

Can you train him to change speed and stop on command? At obedience class my two learned 'easy' - slow down - and 'stop' - stop immediately - which came in useful when I used to cycle with them and needed to slow and stop for intersections. A Y style harness shouldn't injure his neck because it should sit at the very base of his neck which is the thickest, strongest part. Personally, I wouldn't use a retractable leash while on a scooter, not enough control in an emergency. Can you get an eight foot leash??

More harness info :)
Hmmm. He is trained to stop....he will also " wait" and " move over". We use all these commands when walking and when I am riding a scooter.... The trouble is. If he sees a cat, he loses his mind. He has such a tiny airway. Seriously an eight to nine inch round neck, I fear one big jerk one time will collapse his airway........ Believe it or not, since I have severe tracheo-broncho-Malacia which as you know is a collapse airway.....I have pet owners ...usually of little dogs reach out to me to see if I know treatments for their dogs,....,

I also know a big dog that was close lined and his quality of life is the pits now because he has a crushed airway.... I believe one of the human researchers I work with has offered to stent the dog but they are doing it for human research...

So as you can see I am super sensitive to protecting Jacks airway.....I am afraid of anything around his neck pulling .....because he is so tiny. I may see if I can find a small enough V shaped one that can stay way away from his airway and neck.

I a,M going to research these links better.... Thank you so much for helping me .



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