Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello everyone!

I joined a few weeks back and I'm just finding the time to post something on DoodleKisses. Very happy to have found this supportive community!

Lucy is now a little over 5 months, and she was definitely straight-haired when she was younger, but seems to be becoming more wavy. She's growing a noticeable beard under her chin and has baby hairs all over her face... Is Lucy likely to continue to change and perhaps look more like a Goldendoodle than a Retriever as she grows?

Curious about your experiences and thoughts!

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I cannot say for sure, but she sure has a lot of wispies. She is just adorable. I am wondering if she will end up looking like Jack of "Karen and Jackdoodle". He is a darling doodle. You can search the site for Karen and Jackdoodle to see his adult photos. 

Thank you for the reply – As you noticed, Lucy definitely has a lot of wispy hair all over her face, so I'm curious as to how her coat will turn out! Jack is a sweetheart and I will be delighted if Lucy's coat turns out like his. She definitely sheds too, but it's not so much that it's noticeable on anything other than a dark backdrop.

It's neat how Goldendoodles, especially F1s, go through so many changes in their formative years!

We have two F1's from the same breeder and the same sire. They look and behave completely differently! Love them both to pieces.

OMG Lucy is so adorable and has strikingly similar looks to Oscar. I'm sure she will doodle out. Look at those facial furnishings, they are so cute.

Oscar and Lucy do look so similar! That expression and those long limbs are too cute. Oscar seems a bit more curly than Lucy is on his coat though. She's is starting to get big wavy curls down her back, but is generally straighter everywhere else for now.

I'm new to the goldendoodle world too, but it seems the wisps are key... my Gracie is much more sleek, although she definitely has some wave down her back and tail.  I would guess yes for Lucy, at least for furnishings. 

Gracie is adorable! She has a beautiful coat. Lucy looked more like Gracie when she was younger and then her beard came in along with all these wisps. It's been so interesting to watch her grow!

How is Gracie's shedding?

Gracie sheds a little, but it's not too bad... at least for now.  I've always had goldens, and the shedding was awful!  I'm hoping we keep the lower shed quality even if she doesn't doodle out! :)

That's good to hear. Lucy definitely sheds as well for now but it's really only noticeable on darker clothing, furniture, and when we comb her. Fingers crossed for the both of us!

Hi all!

I just wanted to share with everyone a more recent picture of Lucy. She is now 8 months old, going on 9 months in a couple of days. She's definitely become more "doodly" and has grown in a lot of facial hair. Her coat is much curlier now as well. Still relatively retriever-like, but people can now tell that she's a goldendoodle!



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