Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here are updated pics of some of the puppies from the litter. They changed a lot in 2 weeks. One of these looks very retriever like (first pic) What do you all think or do you believe he will just be wavy with the others curly? Thanks!

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First pic

looks like might have slight wave to him.

Ok and the others will likely be very curly?
Second pic

she looks curlier than #1

Third pic

mixed between wave and curl.   Our pup has more curl towards the face, but a wavy towards hips. 

The puppy in the first picture should have a wavy coat. You can see the beginnings of the facial furnishings, so not nessecarily a retriever look. The second two look like they will be very curly.
I see eyelashes too on number 1 and wave on ears! Just looks so different from others!
Yep! Do you get to choose? If you are able and the curl is not really important, choose based on the temperment you want
Yes! I get to pick out of 5.

I agree based on temperment!  it is amazing the things I saw at 5 week play date, how the personality transends even now at 3 years old. 

for example: Teddy at 5 weeks was ok if mother left feeding session, he just went back to what he was doing before she came into the area.  other pups, barked to have her come back.  Teddy has always been ok with us leaving him, or change of pace. he is not a barker to get what he wants. 

At 5 weeks, he never liked sleeping with pile of puppies, if too many curled up next to him, he moved away to his own area.  This I think really helped with crate training.  I was not one to sleep next to him or hold my fingers in the cage to make him comfortable. I put him in the crate and he was quite happy to go to sleep all by himself.  We grew out of crate after a year.  But even now in the bed, he goes to his corner to sleep, so I have plenty of room to toss and turn! lol

Really watch the pups play and interact with each other, and you will see the types of temperament they have.  talk with the guardian families, they know these pups very well! so excited for you!! 



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