Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Is anyone knowledgeable about using an airline to ship a puppy? Airline recommendation, details
about crates, etc., etc.?

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I guess I am experienced with shipping puppies as I have done it several times.  About airlines, I like Continental and they ship the full-grown seeing eye dogs and horses, so I guess they are set up for it.  They fly into San Francisco and that is not too far from us, so I would recommend them if they fly into an airport near you.  

I shipped my first labradoodle from Ohio to San Jose, my second goldendoodle from Spokane to  Sacramento, and my ALD from Texas to San Francisco.  No problems with any of them.  What you need to be careful of is shipping into a hot airport during the summer.  If a puppy needs to sit in a hot airplane for any amount of time, or if they need to exchange airlines, that is an additional problem.  I am getting a sheepadoodle in a couple weeks and we were going to drive to Spokane to pick him up but my husband decided he did not want to be away from his father for more than a few days, so I am flying up to pick her/him up.  I fly from San Jose to Portland, change planes and fly from Portland to Spokane.  The breeder is outside Spokane so I plan to meet the puppy on Monday, stay Tuesday, and leave on Wednesday.  Renting a car and a hotel room doesn't cost more than shipping the puppy, and (s)he can be in the cabin with me under my seat.  I have a doggie carrier and (s)he doesn't need any shots at that age.  A good breeder probably has plenty of experience with shipping so check it out with them.  I prefer to drive, or to fly to pick up a puppy in summer, but if those are not options, airline shipping has worked well for me.


I had Ludo shipped to me from LA to Columbus, Ohio.  I am not sure if you are asking for opinions about shipping, but I personally don't think I would ship another puppy.  I don't have any concrete proof, but I do think the shipping impacted Ludo in the fear department a little bit. If I bought another puppy outside of driving distance, I would 100% fly and bring them back as my carry-on, in cabin. Some breeders will even fly with the puppy to you and meet you at your local airport.

Having said that, the breeder would probably handle choosing the crate (there are very specific requirements about size based on animal weight and other things) and they will also probably have an airline they prefer to use.  Ludo flew United Cargo and we didn't have any problems in getting him to us.  My breeder just added the cost of shipping onto the cost of purchasing Ludo-- I think it was about $350-$400.

We have had some heated discussions about shipping puppies. If you do a search I am sure you can find some. Personally, I would not ship a puppy. I just think there are too many things that could go wrong and I have seen how the airlines handle luggage :) I know others will disagree with me, but that is how I feel. They only way I would do it at all was if the puppy could sit with me in the cabin. I drove 600 miles to pick up our Fudge and 400 to pick up Vern. In both cases, they were excellent in the car on the drive home. Just my two cents :) Good luck.

I agree, Laurie. 

My breeder does ship puppies, but both times I chose to drive up to pick them up.  My daughter had a puppy flown into SeaTac and it did have fear issues relating to loud sounds and we felt it was from air travel.  I too have hear some horror stories and if at all possible, I hope you can make other arrangements to pick up your puppy when the time comes.  Most breeders who ship puppies have an explanation of how that works on their website which includes the price.  As a buyer of a puppy you do not have to be concerned about buying a crate, the breeder takes care of all that. 

AnnaBelle's breeder finally quit shipping after too many problems.  She does however, for an additional charge, deliver the puppy to you if needed.  She flies with the puppy in the cabin.

Since you added the etc in there, here is my 2 cents. I wouldn't have a puppy shipped unless they fly in they cabin and not cargo. I have an acquaintance that had a Frenchie shipped a few years ago, and he was deceased when they picked him up at the airport. If it were me, I would fly to pick him up if I couldn't find a breeder within driving distance. Or maybe for an additional fee they could drive to meet you half way.

Oh, how sad about that little Frenchie. My daughter has two and I just love those little guys. 

I felt so bad when I found out about it. Poor little puppy how he must have suffered.

I may be a real "softie" but I could never ship a puppy.  Puppies to me are babies and they are usually leaving their mothers and litter mates for the first time.  To then crate them and expose them to the experience of being shipped, usually in cargo space is not something I would want my puppy to go through.  I think all the loud sounds alone would be frightening to a puppy.  We drove our Guinness home and it was only a four hour car trip, but he was even frightened with that....and he had motion sickness.  At least I could hold him and comfort him.  I can't imagine how scared he would have been alone in a crate on a plane.

I only had a 2 hour car ride home and I think Annabelle pooped and peed the whole way. I think she was so scared, she just curled in a little ball and didn't make a sound. I had to check on her several times to make sure she was ok. I had her in her carry crate seat belted in the back seat.



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