Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Today marks 6 years since baby Boca came home
Boca has been a wonderful family dog! The unfortunate gift she got today finding out she has a torn CCL. I've been looking at old DK discussions from others who have been through this and our experience with Boca seems similar to Jarka's with Monty insofar that at first we thought the minor limping was just over exertion after the occasional fetch (because we didn't run her hard often, we figured the consequent temporarily limping was just from not being used to the effort). Then after the first day of the Walla Walla Romp it got much worse. This morning she got an xray and the vet gave us the results of a torn CCL.
Sounds like no matter what procedure we choose for repair, the after care is critical and the chances of the other knee needing surgery later are fairly high. I'd love to hear from those of you who have been through it and how things are going now and any recommendations you have.
Oh bummer! So sorry to hear this!
We were not given any other options, other than TPLO. I was told that's the most used procedure, especially for big dogs. The rest and rehab after the surgery play a major part. Interestingly enough, when speaking with people whose dogs went through the TPLO surgery in different states, it seemed that the vets have a differing opinions on when the rehab should be started. Our surgeon told us to begin mild PT about 4 days after the surgery (range of motion exercises), while other people shared that their rehab didn't start until several weeks post surgery. In any case, just make sure you follow the instructions you get. If need be, I can email you all the exercises we were told to do. The first two weeks after the surgery are really tough. Boca will be on various meds. What you will need is an x-pen to keep her from moving around. We set up our camp downstairs and I was sleeping on a mattress next to Monty's x-pen. He wore the cone forever, since he could not stop licking the shaved leg even after the suture healed. I supported him with a sling (bought a Ginger lead) every time we would got out to potty. I tried to keep him in the x-pen when I could not watch him, but during the day, he liked to lay down on a different bed in a dining room (where he normally sleeps when we are at work). Fortunately, I was allowed to work from home after his first surgery. I have NO idea how I would have managed otherwise. So I totally understand your stress.
After the 2 weeks were up, we had our first check-up with the surgeon. At that time, all the meds were gone and since the suture has healed nicely, we were cleared for hydrotherapy. We went once a week (I used a ramp to get Monty into the car) and our rehab vet also did some laser therapy and PT exercises with him during each of the sessions. We were also allowed to start slow 5 minute walks a couple of times a day and with each week add a couple of minutes.
Once Monty started feeling okay, it was harder to keep him from moving around. I had the stairs blocked off as well as the couches in the living room so that he does not jump on them. Again, being home with him the whole time definitely helped since he did not need to be locked up in the x-pen the whole day with the cone on.
Our vet told us the rehab time is 12 to 16 weeks and I went with 16. In week 14 Monty started limping on the other leg. We pushed through week 16 and a month later he had the second surgery. I sure hope Boca won't follow our example.
Please, let me know if you ever have any questions. It will be stressful and exhausting. It's so hard to see them in pain, but the good news is that they adjust to their very restricted life for the time being. Hugs to you and Boca.
Yeah, I'm not sure. I think you will need to follow the advice given by your surgeon. PM me your email and I will send the scanned exercises. I don't think I can attach the file in the DK email.
Sorry to hear Boca needs surgery, I hope it goes very well & her recovery is not to hard/crating & rest....
So sorry to hear about Boca, I do remember a collision she had a the doodle romp with another dog, but they both seemed to shake it off and keep going? Darn now I can' remember the details, Nancy do you remember I think I mentioned it when we did the first night's parade down Main Street?? With Sassy's OCD at playing fetch at the park and need to jump this is my biggest fear.
Sassparilla, Josie and I are sending hugs, prayers, and doodle kisses to Boca for a speedy recovery.
Thanks Jolene. I think her CCL had some damage before the romp...but all the romping, took it over the edge. If I had known, she would have been on leash the whole time :/ Sigh.
I bet you will be surprised at how many of us have been through this! Mater tore his left CCL last fall and had TPLO surgery December 2nd. We bought a 4'x4' pen and put his bed in it, and that was his home for the next 8 long weeks. Then the day after his 8 week x-ray and approval for walks, he ruptured the other CCL. In the meantime, he had developed auto-immune hemolytic anemia and we had to complete the treatment for that before he could have his second surgery. It was April 12th when the other knee was done and that long recovery period began all over again. The 4'x4' pen was a great purchase, as was the special lift harness (there are two brands - both good). The harness fits like a regular car harness in the front, then has a back support piece as well. The two then connect together. With this you can assist the front while lifting the back. Keeping them crated or penned is critical for the healing process. But be aware, that almost every dog we know has had the second knee go within months of the first. The stress on that other back leg is pretty great.
His area was halfway between the kitchen and family room, so he was always a part of whatever was going on. The meds keep them pretty doped up at the beginning. It is quite awhile that you need to at minimum use a sling to take them outside for potty breaks, then after that they need to be on leash.
Mater had physical therapy for about six weeks after the first let went out, then we stopped until the second was repaired. Then he went twice a week for three months and had cold-laser therapy and hydro-therapy. He still struggles when getting up, especially on our hardwood floors. (We bought a ton on non-slip throw rugs.) We weren't as good as we should have been with the exercises they gave us to do at home, and I regret that now. He is reluctant to stretch his legs toward the back or to stand on only the back legs, and his endurance after all that time in the pen is very poor. It will take a long time before he can do long walks, but at least he is finally back to his bouncy happy personality.
I wish you good luck, a good surgeon, and lots of patience. It was everything they told us it would be in recovery times. But these are our fur-babies and they are worth it. I'm really glad we had the insurance too!
We'll be thinking of Boca and your family! - Oh, and we were fortunate that we are both retired as he was almost never left home alone. I feel for you all having to go through it, but it is better than any alternative.
It has been a year and a half since Tia tore her ACL. We spent 4 months with her not allowed to work (she is my service dog). This meant that I was grounded too. She still can't play with her ball like she use to. She tore her ACL chasing her ball and they said the likelihood of her tearing the other one or hurting the same one were high. Most of the time she can work but sometimes she over does it and we have to give her a pain pill and not work her. We are retiring her because of this but I have never regretted having the surgery done or the care we have to give her. It is so hard to have her beg to play ball and the best we can do is toss it in the air so she catches it and doesn't have to chase it. I can tell she wants to chase it but we are afraid of her hurting herself again. I believe Boca will come through this just fine like Tia did or better. It is worth it. I hope you won't mind if I keep you all in my prayers.
The vet 'gave' us one for Gordie. It worked well, but you could use a towel under the belly.
Here are the directions to make one.
Our vet gave us a simple sling, but I ended up getting a Ginger lead and it worked well. It attached to Monty's harness that he was wearing during the day.
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