Our Bindi (a maltese) is a survivor of a puppy mill raid that netted 257!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! small breed dogs! Sadly, many had to be put down but you can see by my "life is good" photo of her on my page she is a success story. She had been kept in a rubber maid container for the first 3 months of her life and kept in a blackened barn because she had an underbite and was not marketable. She never touched ground until our neighbor (who participated in the raid) brought her to us in the middle of the night for safe keeping and love. We were not able to legally adopt her until the courts released her. That was over 5 years ago and she is now Gaston-Cramer's little shadow.
Permalink Reply by Maya on January 20, 2009 at 2:28pm
Yes, exactly - this is nothing but cruelty! I can understand that there are people out there who don't care much for animals... not everybody has to be an animal lover. But this is TORTURE!
Permalink Reply by Maya on January 21, 2009 at 9:11pm
This is what I heard on the news today - no arrests have been made yet, they are investigating if there was animal abuse... something like that. IF there was animal abuse?!? I am pretty sure the dogs didn't torture themselves for fun?!? Weird! Also, they won't be available for adoption for a while, as they are considered evidence in this investigation. Poor doggies!