Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Just when we were doing so well for a while.....
Graycie has been on Fromm Gold and seemingly doing well (stools good, etc!)
But now since yesterday she has been difficult to feed especially in the AM. She also has history of throwing up bile when hungry. So worrying that with her not eating all day she will feel sick.
Anyone think I should try one of the other flavors in Fromm line? She's 8 months old in 2 days so would that be ok to nit do puppy formula? She also gets some turkey or chicken Stella n Chewey crumbled on top which helped. But lately??

Any suggestions? Thank you!!

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Sure, at 8 months you're fine switching to an ALS formula. I'd try one of the formulas from Fromm's Four Star line. Maybe Chicken a la Veg or Salmon a la Veg. If that works out, you can rotate formulas which each new bag you buy, which helps keep them interested. I'd start with a smaller sized bag until you see how it works out. 

Thanks for your replies!! I'm trying the salmon a la veg for her!

Please let us know how she likes it. 

So she still was being a bit finicky even with the new flavor change but ate some at 6pm and the leftovers at 9pm before bed. She had no interest again in a morning meal. Left her a couple treads to hold her over. Tonite no interest again. I tried out of curiosity the puppy gold again and she ate most of the entire portion up at 6pm and the leftovers plus a little extra around 9pm.
I started back to work a couple weeks ago (I'm a teacher) and the kids are back as well...could she be "sad" about the new routine or could she be moving to 1 meal (or 1.5 bc it's leftovers b4 bed)? Maybe she gets her appetite back when we all start coming back home??
I don't know if I should keep trying the ALS flavors or return to Gold for now?
Anyone hear of this type of eating behavior change and shed some light? :)
Thx for following up Karen!

We probably have more discussions here about "picky eaters", i.e. dogs who don;t seem to "like" their food or aren't enthusiastic eaters, than any other topic. There are ways of dealing with that, including not free-feeding but only offering food at scheduled mealtimes and giving a limited amount of time to eat. Usually a food change will also get their interest for at least a brief time. The fact that it didn't for Graycie, coupled with a lack of interest in her food being a new behavior, makes me think that something else might be going on. I do think it's possible that she is a bit "depressed" about the new routine, and it doesn't have much to do with the food itself. It's also very normal for many dogs not to eat while they're alone all day and then run to their food bowl the minute everyone gets home from work or school. 

Is she getting less exercise now that everyone is back at school? Any other changes?

I would try feeding her twice a day at scheduled times, giving her 10 minutes to eat, and then putting the food away. Don't offer food again until her next scheduled mealtime. (Her before bed snack is the exception). And during her 10 minute eating period, it's very important that you sit nearby to keep her company, and keep all distractions to a minimum. That means nobody running in and out of the room, no loud voices calling out, you not getting up and down, etc. I know this will be hard with kids getting ready for school etc., but it's crucial. Set aside 10 minutes for a quiet breakfast with Graycie. At dinnertime, do the same, or feed her when the whole family is also sitting down to dinner. If she seems to prefer the Puppy Gold, give her that; the store will probably let you exchange the other food. Maybe she's not a fan of fish. You could try one of the other formulas. :)

Also, check the feeding amounts. Her growth has probably slowed down at this age and she may not need as many calories. I wouldn;t go to just one meal a day, it's not the healthiest thing for their digestive systems, but you might try giving her less at each meal. 

A normal healthy dog will not starve herself. If she doesn't start showing more interest in her meals in a few days on this routine, there may be something else going on that's causing her lack of appetite. 

Thx again Karen for your thorough response!
Her food is always taken up and put in the refrigerator b4 going to work. 2-3 treats are left until Dogwalker comes. Then she leaves a couple more. Her appetite tonite was definitely there and ate all her good (am & pm allotment). She runs errand with me once i get home- driving kids to practice, sometimes walking around while we wait for practice to end, etc.
Should I normally throw away the morning portion and just give the dinner portion? It seems when we are home and she eats she's hungry and will eat a day's worth at 6 and leftovers at 9...maybe she's full with the day's ration so late??

I'll keep observing. I was just happy she finally had appetite for the Gold tonite. But don't want her to get used to all night meals if it's not good for her digestion.

If this has been her pattern, I wouldn't worry too much about upsetting her digestion. It sounds like you're doing everything right. As long as she isn't having any symptoms of digestive problems, I'd let it be and just observe as you said.



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