Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
As most of you know, I lost my beloved Paz on May 31, 2016. Paz was my BFF and my 4 legged hero who helped the youngest crime victims testify. Yesterday, my new australian labradoodle was selected by an evaluator as being an amazing candidate to continue Paz's wonderful work with young crime victims. Meet Atticus...he is a large standard size labradoodle puppy who i will fly with my grand daughters to North Carolina to pick up on November 12. I am beyond in love and I know my beautiful Paz's gentle spirit will be guiding us all the way.
You are correct. The advantage for me is that I work within the judicial system setting, so Paz literally hung out in my office, and it didn't affect me if there were delays or plea deals. Paz was also used for pretrial prep, and again, I had the flexibility. I also had to insure Paz separately, because Pet Partners insurance only covered Paz when I was volunteering, so I covered Paz with two additional insurance policies. What you might consider are Child Advocacy Centers, although I'm not certain if you have them.
I might be able to make it work because I am just a student right now (not working) and one of my graduate options is law school if I decide to go that route. However, I'm leaning more towards work in zoology which would conflict.
Be still my heart! Atticus....I love your name....and you are simply adorable!!!! Charlotte, I wish you both all the very best! Your excitement shines through your post!
Thank you,Carol..I can't wait to hug him. Flying to North Carolina to pick him up on November 12. Counting the hours!
Awe, he's adorable! Now comes the hard part......waiting until November 12th!!! I remember getting up in the middle of the night, not being able to sleep, and going to the computer to see if my breeder had posted any pictures of the puppies (she is an awesome breeder, but not so good at sending pictures). I also had a black goldendoodle, Zak, who died at the age of five and eight months later got my Myla, a golden goldendoodle and like Paz, I know that Zak is guiding Myla and smiling down on us both. I'm so happy for you!
OMG..I sound exactly like you. I have not stopped looking at the pictures. I love my breeder, but she is not great at posting pics, so I keep checking. I'm counting the days and hours.
I am so happy for you, Charlotte. Atticus hit the jackpot and I can't wait to hear about your adventures. He is gorgeous.
Thank you so much.....I am so in love with this bundle of fur. I am so very ready for all the puppy apartment has felt so very empty without my beloved Paz, who I am sure earned his angel wings and is guiding us all the way.
Well hello Atticus! He's a gorgeous boy and I'm sure he has the heart to match. I know it's been a long journey but a new adventure is in the making. Thank you Paz. We want lots of pictures :)
It's only 2 weeks 5 days and 6 hours until I get my boy.....but who is counting?
OMD, he LOOKS like an Atticus. He is beyond gorgeous! I am so excited for you.
Thank you so much. I am beyond in love with this adorable ball of fur!
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