Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 12 week old F1 goldendoodle is shedding so much! Is this a puppy coat or normal shedding?!

I brush Charley every day and use the furmanator brush on her a few times a week as well. She is still shedding a ton! Is this her normal shedding or could she be shedding more because she is loosing her puppy coat? I've included a picture of my son who held her on his lap for 5 min. And this was the result. Any tips or suggestions would be great appreciated!!!

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It's too early for the coat change; that usually doesn't happen until they're closer to a year old. I'd say you've just got a shedder, which is pretty common for an F1. My guy sheds a ton, always has. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I also found that the furminator didn't help at all; a shedding rake works better for me in getting the loose hairs off, but no tool is going to reduce the actual shedding. 

I wouldn't think that at 12 weeks this is coat change shedding.  Chances are if she is shedding now, she is going to be a shedder.  This could change with the coat change (8-12 months approx), or it could stay the same, or it could even get worse.  With the F1's shedding is not unusual but it varies greatly.  You will find people that say theirs stopped shedding after the coat change but I would say that is the exception.  The good news with a shedding dog is that they usually don't mat as badly as those that don't shed.  Are you using the furminator brush that is meant to brush out the fur of dogs with undercoats?  If so, I don't really think you want to be using that on a doodle.  If it is just a furminator brand regular brush then that's ok.  



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