Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Right now Teddy won't leave me alone....I can finally go to the bathroom without him jumping all over me, but if he's napping in the TV/living room and I go into the BR to read or put away clothes or whatever, he'll pitter-patter his way in and if I'm on the bed, he'll want on it, too. Since I've had him I've been home 24/7 for the most part as I work from home. Maybe that's spoiled him. Great that I spent time with him and could housebreak him within 2 months but even my sister says he's been spoiled (she jokes when she watches him with her 8 year old Schnoodle this Summer when I am away camping it will be like "bootcamp" LOL).
My apartment has hardwood floors so the creaks/cracks sort of wake him whenever he is resting (he's never really deep-sleeping, except when we are both in bed). I noticed when I had him at my parents and their carpeted house I could sneak away for periods of time because I didn't make noise coming or going when walking away.
Late night snacks or coffee & Twinkie ? He wanders in and wants what I have...thankfully, he'll settle for his "junk food" of SmartBones or a bully stick. I save those treats for nighttime because I don't want to give him 1/2 bag of treats while I'm munching for 15-20 minutes. Good thing I usually blow off breakfast and/or lunch. LOL
If he's alot more independent a year or so from now, I'd consider getting a 2nd Doodle.
Congratulations on your choice. Doesn't matter what you choose, its going to be a wonderful addition to your family. We have three doods who share our love. Our third is a true snuggler who takes turns snuggling. PS - make sure you feed the new one and spend more time training than your daughter - a sure-fire way to be that 'special' someone. Shhhhh....
I have had both males and females as do my adult kids. Their degree of cuddliness seems more related to their personalities than their gender.
Doodles can sure be addictive. We recently added our 2nd to our fam (9 weeks) and our other is 8months old. We knew we would add another but not this quickly. When we found out Quinn's mom was having pups we jumped on it. The girls have been amazing with one another. We do have 2 other dogs (a 9 yr old golden and 3 yr old lab). Thank goodness everyone gets along so well. Quinn has been an amazing playmate to the pup. They wrestle, nap and hangout all day.
We've always been a 4 dog family and we love it :)
So cute!
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