Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello everyone,

I got my first doodle a year ago and I am so in love with her. She has been the best dog and best companion ever. I feel so close with her. She is my daughters baby though. I too am extremely close to her because I care for her during the day while my daughters at school. We fight over her at night because be both love her so much and want her with us. My breeder just had another litter with the same parents as Marley. I plan on getting one more doodle from them because I love everything about her and want one from the litter to myself. This will be the last litter from her parents so I want to jump at the chance of getting another. My thought is to get a male this time around as Marley sees better around Males. Any thoughts on issues having puppies from the same lines?? Thanks for your in site

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Wow if you can get another cute one like Marley I say you will be one happy happy mumma!  Extreme cuteness.  I am partial to girls...have 2.  both very rescue Elli is more affectionate than our own Skadi...but don't tell Skadi I said that...

Have fun!  I'd love to get a 3rd, but I still work...and know my limits...altho I have been thinking about a berniedoodle...they are so cute!

Omg your baby's are so cute! I love my doodle girl that's for sure, I just worry that two queen bees in the house may be trouble but maybe not :) luckily I work from home so I'm able to be with them all day. I'm sure it's hard having to leave them.



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