Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've been a DK stalker for a few weeks now since I found the website after searching for info on flat coated golden doodles.  I had pick of the litter of 16 and purposely chose a straight coat puppy but am wondering what you all think about Oakley's look at 5 weeks.  He pretty much looks exactly like a golden retriever puppy now at 8 and 9 weeks, his coat is thick and fleecy with very straight hair on his muzzle however it has some length to it.  In the puppy pile picture, he's the one in the bottom right corner with the blue collar on. He's an F2b and a bundle of joy. Do you think he will doodle out?

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Yep that's my youngest daughter the tornado puppy mauler.  He has been so patient with her and once we broke him of puppy biting during play (only took about a week) he hasn't mouthed her once, even when she tries to hold him down or gets rough with him.  (she was the baby until the pup came along and I think she gets jealous)

Gunnar was part of a big litter too -13 all males.

Oakley is a doll.  They grow so fast, so hold him tons.

I think he will probably be a longer haired version of Gunnar.  I'm guessing with a slightly more wavy golden retriever coat and extra shaggy face.

Doesn't save you the shedding (although Gunnar sheds less than a standard lab he still sheds some) -but it is my favorite doodle look.

Congrats on the beautiful puppy and welcome to the forum.

Thank you!  I figured he might be a shedder but can't be as bad as my 100lb lab mix that passed in November at 13 1/2 years.  When did Gunner start shedding some?

I'd also be interested in your technique to break him of the puppy biting and at what age did you accomplish that. Oakley is doing great but still mouthing, although gently unless he's over excited it gets a little yelp out of me. He seems very smart so with the right technique I should be able to teach him not to.  At 8 weeks he already knew his name, sit, down, come, paw and is getting very good with stay at 9 weeks now. It's time to train me to train him more and keep him challenged!


Gunnar started shedding at about 10 weeks or so.  His brother Tank (in-laws own him) has a wavy coat but sheds more.  If I brush him twice a week and and bathe once a week I notice very little hair on our stuff.

I also give him an egg every few days, microwaved but not scrambled in a coffee mug for 30 seconds to cook the white but leave the yolk raw.  Once it cools down it goes in his bowl and they are his favorite thing in the world.  Cooking the white is supposed to help them not lose biotin and the eggs make his coat shinier and reduce the shedding noticeably.  Only hard part is we have to be careful with our eggs because he loves them so much and is so food motivated.

Wife is a neat freak- in a good way, so it's nice that he isn't dropping furballs.

With the puppy biting he always had a soft mouth and only hurt me once when he got my nose (inside) ouch!

He even cornered and caught a quail in our yard, in his mouth without hurting it.

But he did like to chase my two younger daughters and try to wrestle and bite like he does with his brother.  We did the loud yelp method, and whenever he would bite the little ones I would step in as the pack leader and gently grab his snout and say no bite.

Then I would give him a toy to chew on and praise him.

I think we were totally bite free at 11-12 weeks.  He will occasionally get me when going after a treat- since he is a total treat hound, and I always make him settle down and wait, but he does not purposefully bite or play bite anyone except his brother.

Also loves chew toys and chew treats but is always very good at "leave it" when he gets kids socks or other things he isn't supposed to.  Hasn't tried the furniture or anything weird yet in the house.  Tries to eat rocks and bark and all sorts of crap in the yard, but drops it when told.

We are still waiting for the teething and naughty teenage phase, hopefully he stays sweet.

Thanks so much for the tips and tricks, I will follow your lead and hope that Oakley responds as well.  He too is a treat hound and actually gets so excited when I prepare his meals that he barks with excitement yet sits quickly and firmly until I put the bowl down.  I guess it's a bit of a treat to have a meal by himself instead of competing with 15 others!

Looking forward to seeing Gunner continue to thrive! Thanks again for the warm welcome and conversation.

I also have a not so common F2b labradoodle boy. 

This is what my boy looked like when I brought him home at 8 weeks:

And this is what he looks like now at 2.5 years:

He had some curlier bothers and sisters, and some flatter coated brothers and sisters. I'd say he was middle of the road coat-wise at the time, but he has super soft hair now. 

It will be fun watching Oakley grow. 

I love his colouring!  His hair seems longer/thicker than Oakley's at 8 weeks with a bit more wave.  There were several in his litter that had hair similar to Orwell.  Hoping Oakley stays soft as he matures, so nice to pet them when they feel that way!



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