Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Doodle Friends. Boy, we haven't posted in a while, but I've been reading. :) Thought I'd share our latest, in hopes it will help a future someone and maybe we can hear some helpful thoughts, too...

Olive has been great except yesterday she started limping - her front paw, barely putting weight down. I looked but couldn't see anything on or between her pads or any split nails or anything. DH took her to the vet this morning. After X-Ray, they found no breaks (yay) but saw inflammation. So, she was given clindamycin and suggested Epsom salt baths soak (any suggestions on how-to, please lmk!). They said the antibiotics should help her pretty quickly - taken with food, we will wait until dinner I suppose. I'm really glad to took her to the vet instead of wait-and-see! Plus, we just switched insurance and I'm just past the two week wait, lol! Lucky.

What's weird is we can't figure out the cause - vet said it could've been a small puncture (maybe she stepped on a piece of glass in the parking lot that morning?) but she showed no signs of limping until after her nap. Who knows, I guess!?! Poor girl, she is such a sweetie. Here's a pic of her when she had her "Farrah Fawcett" hair. ;-)


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I wonder if it could have been a bug bite or sting? My schnoodle once stepped on a wasp and was stung; she cried, however, so you probably would have known it that happened. But maybe a bug bit her and there wasn't any pain until later, when it started to have an effect? 

I guess we'll never know. I hope the meds work fast and she's soon back to normal. You may want to consider giving her a good probiotic while she's on the antibiotics.

(PS: I'm sorry it took Olive having a sore paw to see you here again, but glad you're still around. We've missed you!) 

Thank you for mentioning the probiotic, Karen. I think you have told me in the past that the probiotics need to be given apart from the antibiotics...a detail I didn't realize until you helped me. 

Yes, they should be given at least 2 hours apart, and longer is better. Thanks for mentioning that, Bonnie! 

Thanks!! Nice to see familiar faces here! :)
Yes, we never stopped the Proviable, so not a prob.
So we attempted the med. It is a big pill though, this clindamycin, and I know I should've learned how to stick it down her gullet and massage her throat to make her swallow- but of course I'd didn't so now it is an issue. We tried it in some food like the doc suggested, but it resulted in chalky mess everywhere and a wasted pill, sigh. Wish us luck with the next attempt!
Also, do dogs not poo when they're in pain? Doc wasn't worried but of course, I am!

Coat the pill with something like peanut butter or cream cheese. (I use mashed sweet potatoes). It will help keep it from sticking at the back of her tongue. 

We use peanut butter.  If we think it will be a problem, we might give some cheese bites, the pill coated in peanut butter and more cheese or let them lick my fingers or the spoon that I used for peanut butter.

Oh my! I hope Olive recovers very quickly. She has the sweetest face ever! I think you could give her 1/2 of her normal meal with the antibiotic now rather than wait until dinner time. (Not sure what time zone you are in). 

Thanks Bonnie!

Wishing Oliver a speedy recovery!

Thank you, Nancy! The pill went down well yesterday afternoon, and already this morning she seems and looks better. That must be a strong antibiotic to work so quickly, but the vet said that it would be better very soon. I've also learned that their bm's are thrown off when they are unwell, and it was ok and not to worry (ha). :)
I'm adding a pic to show the way we are giving her the Epsom salt baths- this is the easiest method for all involved that we have figured so far. Her injured paw is in a separate, smaller Tupperware with the solution. Sweet Olive has learned to tolerate the procedure, with humility. Lol!

What clever people you are! I love the pup in a bucket idea!!! It won't work for my 75 and 90 pound doodles but it is very smart! ;o)



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