Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Karen curious on your take on the test results.
After the initial rice/chicken diet, we changed Sassy's food to Acana Singles and sadly she stills tosses up water or water/bile mix randomly.
Saturday I had the test results done and the vet did a FULL panel check, not just the thyroid. Liver, Pancreas, Gallbladder, Thyroid, Everything came back within normal range. The only thing he mentioned and said I need to watch is her water consumption and urine output. Her Kidney tests were within range but kidney function was borderline?? he didn't really have an explanation why or what I should do other than watch for an increase in both. I've noticed when she drinks she drinks a lot compared to the other dogs but I always associated that to her activity level which is far greater than the others as well?
Since about two she's only eaten whats listed on the approved dog food and treat list other than popcorn which is made from scratch and the dogs get a handful before it's salted. No table scraps mostly because I love garlic and onions and add it to everything and I know it's not safe for them! I have a large supply of treats for them but I'm pretty stingy on actually giving any to them? The main treats they get are usually Yummy Chummies, Whimzees, and occasionally the Zukes training treats and those times can be counted on one hand within a months time.
Curious if there is anything I can give her or do to improve her kidney function, I know for me I was told to drink more water but not sure what the suggestion is for a dog??
Jolene, ask your vet's office if a GI panel was run. It's a blood test that must be sent out to TAMU and measures just 3 things: folate, cobalamin, and something called a TLi ratio. It's not part of any standard blood panel and most GP vets never run it; it also costs about $200 apart for that one test alone.
Also, was her SDMA value within normal range? This is a relatively new part of standard blood panels, and some vets may not yet be running it (It was included in JD's blood panel last month for the very first time), but it's a more reliable early indicator of kidney disease than the BUN and creatinine values.
I'm really not very well-versed in treatment of kidney function issues and unfortunately can't offer any advice on how Sassy's could be improved. I think a veterinary internal medicine specialist is always your best bet for any type of health issue that your GP vet can't diagnose, treat, or explain.
There was no mention of TAMU but he did say there was a newer test out teh SDMA
The SDMA test was part of Jack's standard blood panel that they ran at his annual checkup last month; I didn't have to pay extra for it or request it. Was that done for Sassy?
It's the GI panel that gets sent to TAMU, and that's a whole separate test and charge.
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