Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Haley, I've been thinking about this for the past 24 hours, and I keep starting responses and then deleting them for fear of offending you. But I think this is important, so I'm going to trust that you "know" me well enough to know that I have only your and Yeti's best interests at heart and would never deliberately offend you.
For me, the biggest concern here is that Yeti is growling at you and showing you his teeth, regardless of the circumstance. That's just not acceptable. I can tell you that there is nothing in the world I could do that would cause JD to growl at me, let alone show his teeth. Run away from me, ignore a command, refuse to open his mouth when I'm trying to give him a pill, yes, and I'm not proud of that, lol. But not the warnings, which is what the growling and teeth baring are.
I don't think it's about individual behaviors and trying to figure out if they are "dominant"; I think labels like "dominant" and worse yet, "aggressive", are useless, because everything with dogs has to be put in context. JD would growl & maybe even snap at a stranger who broke into my house, and that would be okay, lol. Some of the most "aggressive" dogs in the world- military dogs, K9s, protection dogs, who can and have seriously injured people- would never dream of growling at their owners or handlers, let alone baring their teeth at them, no matter what. I think we have to look at the bigger picture, which is Yeti's relationship with you. You have been nothing but a loving, concerned, and conscientious owner, and this is absolutely not your fault, but somehow Yeti has gotten the idea that he is in charge, and that he is allowed to "warn" you to back off, and that has to change. If he's allowed to get away with that, it may escalate. Not to mention that dropping an object on command can literally save a dog's life.
Although it's extremely hard to follow some of the "rules" in the NILIF program, I think that in the long run, it will make you and Yeti both so much happier in your years together. It will only deepen the bond you already have and increase your mutual trust and respect. I hope you'll give it a try. I truly wish you both the very best.
It sounds like you are doing a great job so far!
I personally don't think there is anything wrong with allowing any dog to sleep in your bedroom, in a crate or on a dog bed, so I wouldn't change that. Even some of the harshest old school dog training methods still advocate for allowing the dog to sleep in the same room.
When i think about NILIF, basically what it comes down to for me is requiring the dog to "earn" everything.
"Nothing in life is free", literally. There is a "payment" that needs to be made. But the payments can be so small and simple: A sit before they get food. A sit before they get to go outside. Waiting for an invitation to join you on the couch instead of just jumping up there. A sit-stay and a calm demeanor before being allowed to go greet the visitors. Simple.
When I got JD, he was addicted to fetching tennis balls. Truly addicted. He would bring anyone and everyone a ball every minute of the day and night, and keep nudging it towards you, pushing it at at you, dropping it in your lap, etc. He never gave up. It was beyond annoying. More to the point, I had a dog, (albeit, a dog I loved with all my heart), dictating when it was play time, and if it was up to him, it was play time all the time, lol. So it had to stop being up to him and start being up to me. I made a rule that if he brought a ball to anyone without being asked or invited to do so, nobody was ever to throw it for. If he did that, he was insuring that he would not get to play fetch, period. The other part of that was, every day and every night I would sit down in one particular chair in the yard and/or in the house, with a towel in my lap (he'd chew and crunch the balls in between throws so they got all slimy and needed wiping down, lol) and invite him to bring me a ball. Soon I didn't even have to invite him, just sitting down in one of those two chairs with a towel was his signal that the game was on. And since he knew that nobody was going to throw a ball for him any other time if he tried to initiate it, he stopped constantly pushing balls at everyone, because there was no payoff for doing that any more. (Strangers who don;t know the rules are usually still fair game, lol.)
Part of NILIF is that you control all resources, and to do that, you have to control access to the antlers, chews, etc. Put the antler away, and bring it out when you feel it would be a good time for him to have it.
I actually do this with JD for another reason: when it's laying around all the time, he shows no interest in it. He takes it for granted. When I bring it out only occasionally, it's like something new, and has more value to him.
It's so true that trainers mostly train us, lol.
I think one reason mental exercise like training tires them out so much is because it requires so much self-control on their parts. When you think about it, a lot of what we ask them to do in training goes completely against their natural instincts, so no wonder it's exhausting!
At the risk of bursting your bubble, lol, his touching you is his way of claiming you, i.e. saying he owns you. If you think of it that way, it will be easier to not allow him to do it, because you will be saying to him, "No, Yeti, I own you." :)
Adina once posted that in response to a post of Jane's about this same subject, when her Murphy was doing this. I'll try to find it.
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