Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

You know what puppies love? Having no fun and never getting to frolick and play and also leaving the seam down their gut intact. 

I'm pretty sure he is plotting our death. Tonight when I took him out to potty, I swear he went for the jugular. I mean, it is possible he was just a puppy with an incision who was flailing teeth first and my neck is what he found. But also possible sociopath. It's hard to say. 

We are so so so ready to be done with crate rest. 

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I'm glad you're maintaining your sense of humor, lol.

This too shall pass. :)

I spent a long time repeating that today! I am pretty sure my partner all but came home to find me rocking myself on the floor whispering it like a mantra! Lol! 

He feels better and he does not understand why he can't just be done with all this stupid rest and recovery business, am I right? All that energy all cooped up and in jail, just brutal! Just keep telling him (and yourself) that this will be over soon and then he can run all that energy off. I swear it will end, it just doesn't feel like it right now! I speak from experience. I am preparing the cone for Ava to have another surgery, and I am totally dreading it. 

Exactly! As far as he is concerned, we are just keeping him from everything enjoyable in life: trying to play with the cats, trying to shred our pants, trying to eat the fan cord, trying to eat the dust bunnies, trying to eat the cats while they try to eat the dust bunnies, trying to find delicious snacks in the yard, trying to find eat the grass...You get the picture. It's totally dog jail and he is hell bent on escaping! 

Our follow up appointment is Monday and I have my fingers crossed we get the go ahead to uncone and unjail him -- the collective sanity of the household is riding on it (or so it feels this evening, after a long, loud day, full of unproductive fights with a puppy about What Is Best For Him)! 

Good luck with Ava -- hopefully she takes it in a bit more stride than Mr. Burt "Want Bite Your Neck" Reynolds! 

That's the nice thing about being young, they bounce back really quickly. I bet he gets out of jail Monday. I think Ava had her 25+ staples out after 10 days and pretty much got the all clear to go back to normal life. I bet your little man will be back to normal levels of puppy insanity in a week! 

Luckily? this surgery is on her mouth, so at least I don't have to worry about her running around and hurting herself. I just have to make sure she doesn't put anything in her mouth. And make sure she doesn't chew on her fentanyl patch. 

Seriously, I think we worry about them as much as people worry about their human babies!

Love your sense of humor over this!  :-}

What a cutie!! The puppy stage is hard!! Especially with the cone of shame. :-)



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