Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have been battling this hook worm for over a month now. I first found out about it at her first vet checkup at 10 weeks old. She was given an oral medication for it. We re tested after 2 weeks and they said she still had it and now went on a pill one time dose and it's been about 1 week. My husband has been checking her stools and said he still sees them in it. I will take her to the vet in another week to be checked and I hope they are gone. What if they are not? Stronger med for the 3rd time?.
I called the breeder and told her she said all of her adult dogs always had clear stool checks. She said sometimes they can be in the tissues of the pups before they born?
I just want her to be done with them. I still can't do obedient training until she is clear. Anyone else have experience with this??

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DJ, this doesn't sound right to me. For one thing, your DH couldn't see them in her stool because they can't be seen with the naked eye, it requires a microscope. For another thing, hookworms in puppies are very serious, and can lead to anemia and even death if not promptly treated. A young puppy who was positive for hookworms for this long a period would be looking and acting pretty sick.

The treatment only kills adult worms, so a second treatment is usually needed; that part is not unusual. But you do have to be scrupulous about cleaning up after her, because the worms are passed through feces, and they can get reinfected. You have to disinfect any area where there has been poop, both indoors and out.

Finally, your breeder is full of doody, lol. Yes, the pups can get hookworms before they're born, but only when the mother is infected with them. But then, I have never yet heard of a single doodle breeder who doesn't say "my dogs don't have that/never had that" when you tell them about any health problem with a puppy.  They never admit to anything.

Hopefully, the second course of meds will get rid of it. 
Here's some good info:

You can see little things in her stool. Obviously we can't tell if they are dead or alive and only know they are hookworms because of the vet identifing them. She is acting fine health wise and she was Dx from the vet so yes she does indeed have them. I was asking if anyones puppy ever dealt with this before and when did they finally go away.. I understand what they are and have read tons of literature on it. I also clean up after she goes to the bathroom and water the grass with hose to clean it.

Could she have another parasite that you are now seeing in her stool?



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