Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone have a labradoodle or golden doodle without webbed feet? Boomer, the newest addition to the Berry Oaks Doodle Clan, lacks the webbed feet that the other three sport. Our vet says he believes he may be Poodle/Hound (or another breed) mixture rather than a Lab or Golden mixture. Also, seemingly docked tail and no front dew claws.

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Boomer has always reminded me a little bit of an Airedale Terrier, so if I had to guess on some other Poodle mix besides a Goldendoodle, I'd say maybe he's a Poodle-Airedale cross. 

Could be. I had been thinking of a DNA test, but I cannot find anyone who seems to have any success. It really doesn't make a difference for he is family now, but just out of curiosity. 

If you DNA test, please share the results.  Boomer is so handsome whatever -oodle he is.    My daughter has a lab and none of my boys has the same amount of webbing that the pure lab has.

Will do.

I didn't know they have webbed feet, LOL. Now my boys will be annoyed by me looking at their feet. 



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