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Snopes says this is only partly true; it's a bit more complicated. 

"90 percent of pumpkin sold in the U.S. (and 85 percent worldwide) is a proprietary cultivar known as a Dickinson pumpkin, which are less photogenic than the type of pumpkins commonly used for display purposes.

The majority of canned pumpkin is not a blend of butternut and other winter squashes."

"Predictably, Libby’s (the primary manufacturer of canned pumpkin, and a Nestle brand product) was besieged by legions of concerned holiday bakers on social media shortly after the article referenced above began circulating. Many consumers asked if their canned pumpkin was a blend of other squashes, to which a representative for Libby’s answered:

Pumpkin is a variety of squash belonging to the “Cucurbitaceae”, or gourd family which also includes melons and cucumbers. Libby’s proudly uses 100% pumpkin in our Libby’s solid pack pumpkin. We do not use Hubbard squash, or other types of squash. In fact, Libby’s uses a specific cultivar of pumpkin called Dickinson.

The “Libby’s Select” strain of Dickinson is our own, developed over decades by our own agricultural people. Dickinson pumpkins are considered “the king” of eating pumpkins.

Nestle maintains that Libby’s is responsible for the manufacture and sale of 85 percent of pumpkin worldwide (as high as 90 percent in the U.S.), and their use of a proprietary Dickinson cultivar was well-established prior to the Great Pumpkin Panic of 2016. Although pumpkins and squash are very closely related, the company denied that they ever used a “blend” of various squashes in their popular canned pumpkin.

It is true that Dickinson pumpkins are less photogenic than common decorative varieties, but it is false that the bulk of canned pumpkin is a blend of winter squashes such as butternut. It is also true that the FDA allows for sweet squash blends to be sold under the label of “pumpkin,” but that doesn’t appear to be the case with Libby’s, who use Dickinson pumpkins.

In short, pumpkin pie aficionados can rest assured their canned pumpkin of choice is indeed a pumpkin and not a blend of other squashes masquerading as such — although perhaps not a type that could double as a carving pumpkin. "

Thanks, good to know. Don't like pumpkin pie etc. but I do like truth in advertising. I think most of us see the usual pumpkin not some other squash.

I don't like pumpkin pie either, or anything pumpkin flavored, lol. I guess if people are giving it to dogs for loose stool issues, it doesn't really matter what kind of pumpkin (or squash) it is. It's just a fiber source, and it's a lot cheaper to just use yams or sweet potatoes anyway. :)

All true.

Here's a picture of Dickinson pumpkins: 

I saw this, ugly.

I think they are kind of cute, but then I love pumpkins and squashes (is that even a word?) in all their varieties.

I'm with you!  Pumpkin is probably my least favorite squash.  I'd read that most canned pumpkin is actually butternut which is fine with me!

And this is a good article about this whole thing, with photos:

Supplement it with Apple Cider Vinegar and you will be fine :) LOL

I have heard that smart dogs spit ACV back at you. Very painful when they hit your eye :)




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