Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Another Update:
We are absolutely thrilled! The surgeon just called to say that Wally's tumor was benign! It was a torturously long nine days of waiting for the results, but there is a lot of celebrating going on at our house right now.
This community is amazing. Throughout this whole ordeal, I could come here for support, always knowing that my DK friends would empathize and sympathize.
Thank you, everyone.
Please keep my dear Wally in your thoughts tomorrow as he is undergoing surgery to remove his spleen. After routine labwork a month ago revealed slightly elevated liver enzymes, we repeated the bloodwork last week and learned that both his ALT and ALP numbers had increased. Today, he had an ultrasound of his abdomen which identified a mass in his spleen the size of a walnut. All of his other organs appeared normal and x-rays of his chest showed that his lungs look healthy. He is asymptomatic, which is good, but needless to say, we are extremely worried. I will keep all of my DK friends posted as we learn more.
Update: The operation was a success in that the surgeon removed Wally's spleen without any complications. The tumor was the size of a golf ball. I just got an update that he is doing very well. They have had him up and walking a little, he seems comfortable and is on IV pain meds, but isn't interested in eating yet. Besides doing a biopsy of the tumor, they are also testing a sample of his liver, since the elevated liver enzymes are what initiated this situation. We will bring him home midafternoon tomorrow and then wait for a week for the results. It is going to be a very very long week of waiting. Thanks for everyone's kind words of hope and well wishes.
Thanks, Cheryl. The surgeon called today to say that they are still waiting for the biopsy results, and that there was no correlation with the amount of time it's taking and the ultimate findings. So, we continue to wait, and wait and wait and wait and wait.
Wouldn't it be absolutely fabulous if we could all meet up over Thanksgiving (with Jilly & Jack & Janie, too) to celebrate our healthy dogs?
Yes it would be fabulous!! Fingers crossed for good news. Keeping you both in our thoughts.
WAlly ~ you are rockin" that camo suit! Be well sweet boy!
How is Wally doing? I've been thinking of him during all of my interminable waiting!
We are still waiting for the results, Stacy -- thanks for asking. Wally's surgeon called a few hours ago just to check in on him and to tell us that it might take until Wednesday for us to hear anything. And then this morning, Charlotte had a period of quickly rotating between sneezing and reverse sneezing that caused me to race over to the vet's office in fear that she might pass out from a lack of oxygen. All of this combined with a host of non-dog-related stresses is making me feel like my insides are in a cyclone.
How are you doing? Did you decide to pursue treatment options and/or the research study? Whatever conclusion you ultimately come to, I know that it will after a great deal of thought and debate as to what is best for you and your sweet girl. Every time you think of me and Wally, please know that I am probably thinking about you and Katie at the same time.
Oh my gosh, did you tell Charlotte that only one dog at a time is allowed to scare you to death? I told Ava that she has to be healthy for a while because it's Katie's turn to have all the vet visits.
I actually just got off the phone with one of the radiation oncologists from Wisconsin a little while ago. And I have to tell you, she was absolutely lovely. I wish there were more doctors like her. I think she spent 20 minutes going over all of the options and the pros and cons. Ultimately it all comes down to that they can't fix it. They may be able to buy her more time, maybe a significant amount of time, maybe not. But it's going to come back. One way or another it's going to be the thing that she dies from. It's not new information, but every time I hear it it just takes my breath away. I emailed them the CT images and they're going to look at them and call me back with their opinion, but she asked if there is involvement of the nostril, and hinted that that may be a worse diagnosis. The internal medicine doc that we've seen never said anything about involvement of the nostril, but she didn't say that it didn't involve the nostril either, so I'm not sure. But looking at it I would guess that it does. That may affect our options as well. But the truth is, every instinct I have is screaming not to do this to her. I'm leaning toward the oral medications or nothing at all. I always promised them that I wouldn't put them through something like chemo or radiation. And radiation in Wisconsin would involve driving her there and leaving her for up to 2 weeks, depending on the treatment we decided on. And then driving back for frequent follow ups. And I think it might be better to just be mindful and grateful for the quality time that we do have. And to really take advantage of that time. And who knows, maybe we will have years.
I'm really pulling for Wally to have a good pathology report. I believe in him!
Hi, I hope he's doing ok and recovering from surgery. Winston recovered pretty quickly from his surgery. He is in great spirits now. He even tried to run after a squirrel this morning. Wishing the best for you and Wally.
*fingers crossed on the biopsy*
Hi Sherri, You know exactly how excruciating it is to wait for biopsy results -- and we are terrified about the exact same type of cancer that was possible with Winston. Wally's surgery was a week ago on Tuesday, after the ultrasound identified the tumor in his spleen. We should hear by the end of the day today or tomorrow. I can barely stand it.
I was so delighted to read about Winston's benign results. Who knew when I originally commented on your discussion that I would be in the exact same situation. Thanks for your support.
I hope Wally is doing better and his test results come back the way you are hoping.
It's been eight days since Wally's surgery, and still no results. Argh.
how frustrating! Hang in there. I hope you hear soon!
Thanks, Sherri. I do know that the doctor finally has the results, but we will not hear until after 3:30.
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