Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need help! I see a doodle coat (or at least I think I do) coming through on the bottom left pup. The bottom right and top left are two other contenders for us. What do y’all think their coats might come out to be? I think top left is on the curlier side and bottom right I’m really not sure. They are Medium F1B both mom and dad are curly. We are looking for a wavy fleece coat. Any suggestions on what to look for? Although temperament is first on our list we are really wanting the best shot at a wavy fleece coat too. Thank you everyone for your help! Let the guessing begin!!!

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They are all looking like they will doodle out. The wavy ears, the furnishings on the face. Some wavy body hair....
Doesn’t look like a straight non doodly one in the bunch :-)
Thank you! I don’t think there will be a bad pickin the bunch! Can’t wait to be a doodle parent!
Since they all look doodly, pick the temperament you like. You’ll be happy you did. We just love our two to pieces!

Super cute!! I Think top right will definitely be a curly doodle. Top left and bottom right will vary between wavy to loose curls, but I think the top left is a little curlier than the bottom right. bottom left will be the best chance at fleece wavy I think, but It's kind of a hard picture to go by. Just my opinions!!

That’s kind of what I thought, it’s my first doodle what do I know ;) I will keep y’all posted, we pick on Saturday.

Here is a post in a search I did that you might find helpful.  It is just so hard to predict.  The curls on their ears lead me to believe they will be curly, but who knows.

Hey thanks! I have heard coats are extremely hard to predict. I didn't see this post, thanks!

Are these pups from Mustard Seed Doodle? This is where Hank is from. He is the best thing to ever happen, the sweetest, healthiest pup! Those will certainly be wavy. Hank was pretty curly and now a ball of fluff. 

Oh my goshhhhh what a cutie pie he is....Ahhhh I can't take it hahaha. They are from Mustard Seed, we can't wait to go pick on Saturday. He looks like he is smiling for the picture. How sweet.

You will love your dood! I wouldn't trade Hank for the world and I only got to see his picture before getting him at the 8 week mark. Enjoy playing with the pups! I looked on the site and think Dasher would have the more straight/wavy coat but cannot handle how cute Donner's little face is! 

I just messaged you! We have second pick and I think I would be happy with Dasher or Donner. Really depends on who likes us the most ;)

They are adorable! Hank would be his half sibling-- his dad is Biscuit too :) And I think I deleted the message.. whoops! 



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