Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all, Winston went to the vet this morning because he's been lethargic and showing signs of a UTI. The vet tech noticed his abdomen was swollen and said there's loose fluid in there. They did a full blood panel to check liver and kidneys and other things and I booked a consultation with an internal medicine specialist tomorrow morning for an exam and ultrasound. I know this particular vet tech has a history of overreacting so I'm trying not to get too crazy about it. Does anyone know what this could be?

Winston has been generally unhappy and unwell for months now.  After the surgery I saw a few glimpses of the old Winston but it was rare. I keep thinking with this treatment or that he'll get better.  I want him back so badly, but I'm starting to think I'm not going to get him back. He keeps developing new issues and he just seems so unhappy. The last few days he hasn't even wanted to get up to greet visitors and has had zero interest in toys or play for weeks. He doesn't want to come up the stairs anymore and can't get in or out of the car or on the furniture by himself. 

He's only 11 so technically if I could get him well again he could have another solid 2 or 3 years or so. But it seems more and more that he is giving up.  I'll see what the internist says tomorrow but starting to feel like if I manage to fix this issue I'm just dragging things out for him until the next thing that comes along. :(

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I am sorry your vet tech misdiagnosed Winston, but so happy it is nothing serious!!! YAY!!

This is great news!

Sherri, I don't know how it is possible that Wilson is 11. I can't believe my Kona is 10 either. Anyway, I am thrilled to hear that he is okay. I think your decision to find a different vet is completely valid. Hoping Sophie and Wilson both do well under wiser care. You have devoted yourself to these two. You want them to have good vets for sure. Take care. I hope the holidays are easy and bright for all of you. 

Delighted to hear your good news.

Sherri, This is good news and well worth the drive to find out that Winston doesn't have any additional issues. Give that boy a big hug!

Hooray for this diagnosis. Winston isn’t as ill as you feared. You now know what is wrong and are proactively addressing it. Winston will have a new normal that is more age-related. We hate for our beloved pets to age! It’s thanks to your loving care that Winston is even here. Keep loving on him for as long as you can. — boyfriend? How wonderful to have someone to share Winston’s snuggles with.
Hi Sherri! Glad the news about Winston is much better than imagined and glad to hear you have someone special (of the human type) to talk you through the difficult times ❤️

How is Winston doing, Sherri?  I've been thinking about you and him. 

Hey, Winston is doing well. The antibiotics helped and he's been more energetic and engaged lately, getting up on his own, showing interest in things, etc. Feeling so relieved! At times I didn't think Winston would be here for Thanksgiving, let alone Christmas, but it seems now that he is here to stay for a while yet. Best Christmas present ever!

Glad to hear this.

Merry Christmas, indeed! 

This is great news!



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