Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My F1b mini golden doodle is 11wks and weighs about 5.5-6lbs.  Does anyone else recall the weight of their doodle? She was 2.1lbs at 8wks. 

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My “mini” was 4-5lbs when I brought her home at 9 weeks. She is now 7 months old and weighs 50lbs. She didn’t stay Mini for long. Haha. The pictures I have posted below are her from 9 weeks, 3 months, and last week at 7 months. 


She is so cute!! I feel Like my mini is on the small side. 2.2lbs at 8wks and 5.5 at 11wks.  I feel Like she got really tall over night but hasn’t gained too much weight.the photos I have attached are from 8wks and today(11wks).  


Annabelle is also an f1b mini. She weighed 4lbs at 10 weeks when we brought her home. Here is how her weight went.

10 weeks 4lbs

11 weeks 4.4lbs

12 weeks 4.8lbs

13 weeks 5.4lbs

14 weeks 5.6lbs

16 weeks 7lbs, I doubled her weight at 16 weeks and added up to 5lbs for a mini to estimate her adult weight, she weighs 17lbs at 3.5years. So this formula was spot on for Annabelle.

17 weeks 7.4lbs

18 weeks 8.2lbs

19 weeks 8.5lbs

20 weeks 9lbs

21 weeks 9.2lbs

28 weeks 11.6lbs

1 year 14lbs

3.5 years 17lbs on Tuesday at the vet

She's going to be a tiny dog.  LOL. Ned was about 12 pounds at around 12-13 weeks.  He weighs 29 pounds.  the adding 5 pounds doesn't always work for the minis. But doubling the 16 week weight gives you a good idea.

Super tiny! 13 was this Saturday and she weighed in at 5.9lbs today! I think She will be like “Annabelle” below but maybe a pound or two bigger. I’m assuming she was the runt! 

Mini ALD  Belle weighed 5 pounds at 11 weeks, 7.5 pounds at 16 weeks, and at 2 1/2 years, she weighs 14.7 pounds, give or take an ounce or 2. I usually round that up and just say she is 15 pounds.  I wanted an affectionate, smallish, non-shedding pup that when necessary I could pick up and carry (unlike my adored 64 pound lab), and that is exactly what Belle has given me, and I love her a lot. Of course, over the years I have loved all of my various dogs and cats regardless of their size and coat, and would love Belle in any configuration. 

How great to see the photos.  Dinah was a healthy runt throwback to a very mini grandfather.  At 3.3 lbs at 8 weeks, she lagged physically by one week compared to her larger siblings.  8 weeks 2 hour bladder control. At nine weeks she had 4 hr. Bladder control.  She was always just a bit behind on everything until a year...and adult weight might even lag until 1-1/2

sire and dam were about 20 lbs.  Dinah will be @16, although with less exercise in the freezing temps and my serving puppy formula and alternating with daily, her weight is 16.7.

Photo of Annie this past Halloween. She was the runt of the litter and the breeder estimated to be between 15-20lbs at adult weight. The largest puppy in the litter was estimated to be 30lbs. I would love to know her litter mates, but probably never will. My breeder seemed to want nothing to do with that. I don't know if she thought we would all gang up on her or what.

Pretty sure my breeder thinks the same thing because I never Got a response! Mowglee will be 13wks this Saturday and weighed in today at 5.9lbs so a little more than your Annabelle. I’m now convinced my Mow will look just like Annabelle but maybe a pound or two bigger and black of course lol! AB is soooo cute!!!!

Thank you, I sent Annabelle's breeder some photos of her and inquired about her litter mates. When you spend that much on a dog, you expect some support or response. I got nothing from her. Not even a response about the photos. 



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