Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Those Who Have Healthy Paws Insurance, How Much Have Your Rates Gone Up Each Year?

I know we have had discussions here about the large annual increases people have experienced with PetPlan insurance. I'm wondering if those of you who have Healthy Paws insurance have experienced similar annual increases? 
I'm trying to decide between the two companies. :)

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How do the premium prices compare between the two companies?

Very hard to tell, because the coverage is different, even with the same deductible and coverage percentage. 

I started Annabelle with HP within a week of bringing her home. I used the discounts I was allowed. I started out at $21.23/mo
and now she is 3.5 years, I pay $26.48.

Healthy Paws is playing games with me with discounts. 
I must live in a very expensive area, because the quotes I'm getting are astronomically high. Almost double yours for a new puppy. 

$5/mo increase over 3.5 years isn;t bad, but I wonder if that's bigger in my area, too. 

I have never had to use the insurance, so really have no experience with how they are when you need them.  I live in a rural area. I have to drive between 15-20 miles any direction, to get to a town big enough to have a real red, yellow, green stop light. Probably one reason mine is cheap. The second year it only went up about 75¢. 

I checked with my vet's office and they said they haven't had any problems with either company. 

Karen, most of these insurance companies consider a doodle a mixed breed and clearly you know that is not the case for a poodle.
My daughter and I both have PP and her boxer and my Daisy pay totally different prices. They are both 8 but Lilly costs a little over $200 more per year.

Yes, but we know that doodles are not healthier than purebreds, and a doodle is at least half Poodle, and the rest is Lab or Golden, which have plenty of health issues, too. So a purebred Poodle's rates being higher, that I just do not understand.

Agreed, it is just wrong.

I forgot to add I have the 80/250 plan.

Yes, that's the same coverage I was quoted, and the quote is almost double yours.

I'm sure it's demographics. I live in podunkville Michigan.



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