Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello!  First time poster here.  Just got our F1b a week or so ago.  Mom was a mini Goldendoodle dad a standard poodle.  Mom was 26 lbs dad 55. He'll be 11 weeks old this Friday.  Weighed in at 14 lbs at the vet yesterday.  Breeder told us he was a mini/medium and would be 35-40 lbs full grown.  Vet thinks 45-50.  What do you think?  Any of yours weigh this much at 11 weeks? Looking forward to hearing from all of you!

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Welcome...Cooper is adorable. I have a mini that weighs 18lbs full grown, so can't help you there. She weighed 14lbs at a year. 

Thanks! So far he's a great dog!

Welcome! I have a male standar F1 and he was about the same weight at that age...he's now 6 months old and weights 50 pounds and still thinks he's a lap dog

Haha!!  We just lost our lab a few weeks ago, who at one point was 110 lbs and thought he was a lap dog :)   We figured Cooper might be closer to 50 even though breeder said 35-40. I'm guessing yours still has a ways to go with weight if he's only 6 months old?  Vet did say they are pretty much their full height at 7 months tall is yours?  

I'm not sure how tall he is he comes up to my hip the breeder said he would be between 45-60 pounds and the vet expects him to be around 70 pounds

Cooper is adorable! I have a 13 week old supposed to be small standard, so can't help about size predictions

Thanks!  How big is yours now?

Truffle was just over 13 pounds at 13 weeks; she'll be 15 weeks on Tuesday & I know she's gained a bit - but she mostly seems to be growing UP rather than gaining bulk! Her parents were 50 & 55 lbs & the breeder thought she might get to about 45 lbs as she was the smallest of the litter. We had a Golden Retriever who was 85 lbs and his mom who was 70 lbs, so anything up to 50 lbs is going to seem rather petite to us. LOL

Same!!  We just lost our lab who was 110 lbs at his heaviest, so 50 seems like nothing to us :)

What a cute fuzzball!   I think you should be up for any size.  I have a labradoodle friend that initially out grew my doodle the first 6 months but topped out at 40lbs.  My goldendoodle continued on to 60 lbs. So who knows!

Welcome to DoodleKisses - the best website around for doodle lovers everywhere.  Wait for a few weeks and get his weight at 16 weeks.  Double that amount and add a few pounds and you will get the adult weight.  Works for me every time.  I would say 40-45 pounds, but I am not his breeder or his vet.

Welcome.  You really can't accurately predict size this young because these guys are all mutts and who knows how the genes will fall.  Getting his weight at 16 weeks and doubling it and a few pounds plus or minus is about the best prediction you can get.



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