Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Every year on July 5th, I start seeing the posts about lost doodles in all the dog and doodle groups on Facebook, and every year I'm sorry that the owners weren't given the information they needed to keep those dogs safe. I feel sad for the dogs, and I'm often angry with the owners, because the information is widely available, and because these tragedies are so easily prevented. I have no doubt that I will feel that way again 2 weeks from now, but hopefully none of those sad, frantic posts on FB will involve any doodle or owner who belongs to DK.
Key points from the article:
No matter how much fun you think it would be to dress your dog up and take him out to parades, barbecues, and fireworks, please leave him at home. Safely indoors at home. Check that gates on fenced yards are closed, and if you have a dog door, close and lock it. Don't leave any dog in the yard alone, even for a minute, even if it is fenced. Terror has caused many a dog to leap a fence. Put your dog's leash on before you open the door to take him for a walk, and hang on to it. Hang on to leashes when taking your dog out in public for normal errands. This applies not just to the 4th, but to the days leading up to it. If your neighborhood is like most, there are going to be people shooting things off at any random moment for days before the actual event. Be prepared.
If you will be having guests, or if there are children coming in and going out, use crates, gates, and/or any other means at your disposal to prevent your dog from bolting through an open door when you have people going in and out of your home.
Keep your dog's collar and tags on him at all times.
If you are going to be away for the 4th, make sure whoever is watching your dog knows this information and can be trusted to follow the rules.. It is stunning to me how many of the July 5th FB posts involve dogs who were with sitters, groomers, relatives, etc when they bolted.
And if you were thinking of taking your dog out of town with you for the 4th, please rethink that decision.
Make sure your dog is microchipped and your microchip registration info is UTD.
There's lots more. PLEASE, read the article now. Share it with every dog owner everywhere. And have a happy, safe 4th of July.
I was taking Truman out for our nightly walk a couple days ago and right as we were finishing up someone decided to start celebrating a bit early & shot off some kind of thing that sent out about 7-8 loud booms. He usually isn't bothered by noises (although occasionally when a loud truck passes us he hides behind me) but it really freaked him out. I'm glad I was there to keep letting him know that it was ok.
I could definitely see that if he was alone he could have been very scared & god knows how he would have reacted. He never goes out alone, but I honestly hope he isn't too freaked even indoors in his kennel.
Some years ago, a woman took her newly-adopted-from-DRC doodle to the groomers, right around this time of year. As she walked him to her car after picking up the dog from his grooming appointment, someone in the area shot off some kind of fireworks that made a terrible loud boom. The dog bolted, yanking his leash right out of her hand and ran into the street, right in front of an oncoming car. She had him for less than a week before he was killed.
These are the kinds of stories that never leave me, and they are the reason for my continuing to try to get this message out to dog owners every year.
Aw most "non favorite" holiday! Ugh...Skadi follows me all around, attached to my me, save me mumma from all the bad noises...then there's Elli , she doesn't give a "rip". I thought I desensitized Skadi to loud noises when she was little...apparently I should have taken her to places like a gun club or shot off my own fireworks when she was forming her likes and dislikes. 9 year old Elli who so kindly took our family in 3 years ago has never been bothered by these annoying human practices...go figure.
Great reminders Karen...we all need to spread the word...thanks, and "happy" 4th!
Same to you, Joani. A happy and safe 4th!
I'm waiting to see how little Jasper does with the fireworks. So far, very little spooks him, but in my experience, fireworks are in a whole other category from any other kind of noise as far as dogs are concerned. And you never know which dogs will be the most sensitive to it.
What a great description:
"9 year old Elli who so kindly took our family in 3 years ago has never been bothered by these annoying human practices"
LOL...they are so sweet! Hope your baby gets better.
Just keep those pups safe while me and Picco watch from our backyard!
Picco is not afraid of loud noise and even watches the fireworks but still I always keep an eye on him. We are lucky to be able to watch from our fully fenced in yard!
I'm so sorry. I had a schnoodle who was absolutely terrified by them so I know how heartbreaking it is to see a dog you love with that kind of fear.
I wish people would just grow up. What is so wonderful about deafening noises?
The ones people shoot off in residential neighborhoods usually aren't even pretty. Just loud. I appreciate a beautiful fireworks display as much as the next person...when they are done by professionals in appropriate locations.
BANG! only appeals to little boys, even those who are full grown, lol.
I'm out in the country and my neighbors fireworks look almost professional grade, theythey d go as high, but are just as loud. They are very pretty, but they do tend to fall in my backyard. It is scary, so I try to stay indoors. I wonder if they make ear protection for dogs.
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