Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I always have the silliest questions. Maggie is the first dog I've ever had who lays on the floor while she eats her dinner. 

I assume it doesn't make a difference. I just think it's funny. 

I do have elevated bowls for Maggie. But she's still a finicky eater. The best way I've found to get her to eat is to sit on the floor with Maggie's bowl on one side of me and Katie's on the other and we sit there while she eats. She's a good weight, so I guess it's fine, but I wish she was just a little more enthusiastic about her food. It makes me worry that there's something wrong with her. 

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One benefit of NOT having a nurturing mother, lol. You don't grow up equating food with love. :)

A silver lining in every cloud, my friend. There's not enough therapy in the world to resolve my feelings about food!

Picco would lay down and eat as a pup sometimes. I forgot about that till I read this. He has an elevated bowl now but he will eat at his bowl sometimes and other time he grabs a mouthful of food, walk to living room carpet (same color as food) spit it out and eat one piece at a time and leaving a few piece behind for us to step on of course. Sometimes I'll pick up a piece of kibble from the floor hand it to him and he'll eat it! Picco self-regulates too. Eating alot a day or two then eating very little a couple days. He can ignore or walk away with food in the dish. His weight never wavers. I've finally gotten use to it. My former dog was a husky mix that would eat herself to death if she had the chance!

Guinness lays down to eat his breakfast, but stands up for his dinner.  I have no idea why but it seems to make sense to him, and he has been doing this forever.

One of my three wishes would be for the dogs to speak English. I would love to know what they're thinking.

Yes, but no......Then I'd be afraid to tell Picco my secrets. I'm sure he'd be a blabbermouth!

Ha, when my daughter was in pre-school, her teacher said to me "If you have any family secrets, don't tell your daughter'.

To go along with this discussion, does your dog sleep upside down? I can't get enough of this. 4 feet in the air. I don't know if it's a poodle thing, a doodle thing, or just a Maggie thing. She did not sleep like this when she first came home. I think she's comfortable now. 

Neither of my Poodles nor my Doodle slept like this. But I've seen a lot of pictures of dogs who do.  :)
Maybe it's a Maggie thing. 

I'm sort of obsessed with it. I think it's the cutest thing ever. I caught the dog we are pup-sitting sleeping upside down too, but I've never seen Katie do it. 

Love this!



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