Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


We have the sweetest & cutest goldendoodle with the craziest hair! I don't know much about this breed, but we are in LOVE with our sweet boy! He's the best dog!! From my research, I expected a super fluffy coat with a variation in curls/waves, but Aggie has started out with a straighter coat and no he's getting wavy?? I'm curious if anyone has had a similar experience.

Aggie is 5 1/2 months old. Mom is a standard poodle and dad is a goldendoodle. Despite his poodle lineage, his coat looks a little more like a retriever, but now his nose is starting to grow hairs like a beard is possibly coming in? Is he getting furnishings? 

 I'm wondering if anyone had a late bloomer or a similar experience? His back is getting longer, wavier, but still has coarser hair. Legs are getting fluffier, but mostly straight. His belly hair is straight unlike his wild back hair. His ears are SUPER soft like a poodle and have always had some curl to them. His feet have all this super shaggy fur coming in like a bear. All of the other litter mates look more like a teddy bear doodle with curls and wavy/soft coats. Furnishings developed quickly for them. I have not had to groom Aggie yet. 

Has anyone had a late bloomer like this? Would Aggie be considered a straight haired doodle? Or flat coat? Are those furnishing coming in? Or is this a typical golden retriever type coat? Or could he get more "doodly?"

Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions as we are first time doodle owners! He's a honey and we love him regardless :)

Here are pictures from earlier puppy days with no sign of a beard and then recent pictures into this new coat. 

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He already has plenty of furnishings and looks very doodle-y. He is just not curly. He's got a straighter, shaggier coat, but definitely not like a Golden Retriever's. I think his coat is very similar to the late great Jackdoodle's; If you go look at my photos on my page, I think you'll agree. 

I adopted him as an adult so I never saw his puppy coat. 

Oh, and IMO this is the cutest doodle look there is. That shaggy "Disney Dog" look. 

Adult coats usually come in between 8-12 months, earlier for smaller dogs, who mature faster.
My advice is to just enjoy him and don't even try to classify his coat or figure it out; as we often say here on DK, doodles are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get. I think that's part of the fun. :) 

He looks doodle-y to me just not curly. My friends doodle has a straight coat but it's much longer and shaggier than a retriever.

He looks a lot like our Whiskey. He was very retriever in the beginning  and even shed a ton. Now at 8 months he has become a very mild shedder, almost none,  and picked up tons of doodle in his coat. Pics are 3-4 months and 7 months. They change a ton and honestly we love having an original looking doodle vs looking like everyone else. 


I think he looks very much like a doodle, just not a 'poodly' doodle.  He might take a little longer to get his full look and he isn't going to be fluffy. He has that scruffy look that is just adorable.

Definitely reminds me of our F1 Teddy who took his time to doodle out. Though he's only 8 months and still changing, his hiar went from pin straight to wavier once we professionally groomed him. That's when I saw the biggest change in his coat. We had been prolonging it since we were afraid of a bad grooming experience, but it helped take off his baby coat. Here's his progression from 2 months to 4 months to 7 months.

Definitely reminds me of our F1 Teddy who took his time to doodle out. Though he's only 8 months and still changing, his hiar went from pin straight to wavier once we professionally groomed him. That's when I saw the biggest change in his coat. We had been prolonging it since we were afraid of a bad grooming experience, but it helped take off his baby coat. Here's his progression from 2 months to 4 months to 7 months.


Your Teddy is truly adorable.  I love his coat and his haircut.



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