Yesterday was round 2 of vaccine for my assist dog in training, Luke. He did fine at the Vets office, didn't flinch when the needle was inserted and ate his heartworm preventative just fine. He laid in my lap and slept on the way home yesterday afternoon, ate well at dinner, and proceded to play with Deuce and Chance. HOWEVER....... about 7 pm last night, he because UBER HYPER, panting, diarrhea, vomiting, and drinking LOTS of water. He did this the entire night last night and I was up with him trying everything I could to soothe him. This morning around 5 :30 he began to settle down and went to sleep. The poor thing was worn out! I called the Vet to tell them about his night and found out this is a rare reaction to the vaccine. Most dogs develop flu-like symptoms and become lethargic, napping until it wears off. He is now ok, eating again, napping, and playing.
I contact the other 2 women who have his brothers to alert them for any signs in case they haven't been to the vet yet. Mary, who posts here and who is the owner of Heritage Specialty Dogs, has Max. Max had an even more severe reaction to his vaccine shot by seizuring. He is in ICU at the vet hospital with Mary on the way to see how he is doing and if the Vet thinks there might be any long term damage to his brain. Kim, who has Elmo, has been contacted but I haven't heard back from her yet. We are keeping our fingers crossed and sending up prayers for Max. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Has anyone else experienced reactions to vaccines in your doodles? I've never experienced anything other than the normal "Mom, I don't feel good right now so I'm going to sleep it off." reaction.