Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

my husband and i live in a high rise. we have a huge patio with a large patch of grass. its about 3 weeks into the patch (getting more brown, pee filled oy!) and harper is peeing/pooping slightly off the there a reason?! is she telling us she wants a new patch?!


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I think so. Even dogs are offended by a filthy bathroom, lol. She probably doesn't want to have her feet on it. 

haha!!! she takes after her mommy lol!!!

Ugh - when we move to our new house we won't have grass until next Spring... going to buy a little patch of turf or one of those artificial turf rugs as a little temporary pee area.. wish me luck lol.  With the frost coming I won't even be able to keep the hose around to water it down.

Are there services you can hire that deliver new grass periodically?  It seems to me that I have heard of this.

yes, we tried that...but get this- Its 30 dollars for a tiny patch of grass. We went to home depot and bought triple the size for 7 dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a difference in cost! I guess you can continue once you figure out how long it lasts before she won’t us it. Is there a way for you to hose/rinse it off every day? All this, if course, comes from a Southern California girl where heat is a smelly issue not rain or snow. 

I'm trying to figure out what to do with an 8 week old puppy we are getting when we leave for Arizona for the winter.  I don't want to potty train it for inside, but everything outside is rock and concrete and the vet said we should not let it go on that because of other animals around at night and the risk of parvo and other disease. I was thinking of getting a play pen and have artificial grass in there but that certainly won't keep other animals out at night.  We do have a hose right next to where the pen would be so I suppose I could hose it off every morning before she uses it.  Someone suggested a covered plastic sand box but that wouldn't drain, although we could drill holes in it.  Any other suggestions?

Where in Arizona? In the wilds where only wild animals live?  I don't know where you are, but is the vet who said this to you NOT in Arizona.  You can train your dog to pee pads or rocks or cement or not.  They can learn to both go outside AND to use a pee pad.  What are your plans for when you are in the apartment? Do you have a balcony to put turf?   I'd think about creating an area that the pup can go - either turf, ground cover, or 'fake' grass.  Your idea of an ex-pen surrounding fake grass is a good one. Pick up the solid material each time and hose often.  Always supervise her when she is outside.



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