Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our doodle Max has had an upset stomach today and very lathargic.Not eating but throwing up if eating at all. Tried egg & rice same thing,stool is good just stomach flem, and wants to just sleep

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Pati, he needs to see a vet. This sounds a lot like pancreatitis, which can be fatal if not treated.

I agree with Karen that he needs to see a vet. Please keep us informed. 

Thank you for the concern & advice. We took Max to the Vet on the 19th and they found 2 large river rocks in his stomach. One stayed in the stomach and the other slipped down to the intestines. After 2 slits and lots of stitches he came home on Thanksgiving day very tired, a large size cone and  lots of meds. He is doing ok and today he finally wants to eat alot! I have attached a photo of said rocks.


OMD! So glad you took him to the vet! 
You wonder what posseses them to eat some of the things they do! 

Wow, those are big!   Poor guy, I bet he didn't learn his lesson!


Hi Pati, I haven't been on here lately & just happen to check in today . Read your post and had to comment , I have a 18 month goldendoodle Charley (93 lbs) that we adopted  8 months ago, who we found out after the winter when all the snow was gone that he is a rock eater. He will find some random rock in the backyard , if we see him he will not drop it , he starts running  & when he stops looks at us then swallows it  before we can get it, he usually vomits them up with in a day or two,   we brought him to the Vet thought maybe mineral deficiency but bloodwork came back normal so Vet said it's behavioral l( boredom ) We have a large grassy backyard for him & our 4 year old GD to run & play around, feed him high quality dog food, he has  good durable toys, weekly marrow bones, take them  on walks etc.

  Well Charley's rock party is over , noticed he had vomited a rock the day before Thanksgiving, then didn't eat for 3 days & was lethargic, so off to the Vet, X-ray confirmed 3 large  rocks in stomach & 1 in at the end of small intestines that was blocked. He is recovering well now just waiting for him to have his 1st poop ;-0. 

I so can relate to what your going through with your Max, hope he is feeling back to himself & that was a isolated incident. Reading about your experience  made me feel not so alone :-).

 Hi Lisa, how ironic! Just so happens while you were writing your story we were at the vet for Max's checkup and questions of why no poop yet,ha!  Max is looking great (except for a bath) and after his checkup immediately came home,did at least 10 circles and a very healthy poop. My husband cheered...

Thank you very much for reaching out with your story, hopefully next year we both have a much calmer Thanksgiving week :-). Happy Holidays

I'm so glad you took him to the vet.  Other than clear your yard of all rocks or restrict him to a rock-free area, I don't know what you can do.  Did the vet have any suggestions for you Patti?  Lisa, your vet was no help at all!

Hi Pati,

I just saw this and wanted to say I am glad Max is doing well.  Those were some pretty big rocks.  Our Polly just had an abdominal surgery also.  The little buggers sure do scare us don't they?

I just remembered that there is a soft muzzle that prevents the dog from eating things when they are outside. That could save his life. You’d need to do some research to find them, but I think hunters use them. 

It's not a muzzle. It's the Outfox Hood, and it's wonderful! Looks a little weird, but in addition to protecting their ears, eyes and faces from foxtails, it keeps them from eating anything outdoors. They can open their mouths freely, which is important because they must be able to pant, and even drink water with it on. Highly recommended.

Ha ha, reminds me of the mosquito nets I wore when I lived in Alaska!



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