Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

here is my F1B golden doodle

she is that red colour

i was worried she wouldnt doodle out

so im hoping this discussion can give others hope :)

2.5 months

3 months

3.5 months

4 months

4.5 months

5 months

5.5 months

6 months

6.5 months

7 months

7.5 months

after her bath lol

unfortunately, we. need to use this when we walk because she pulls and pulls

it wet snowed

outside, she loved it 

8 months old

look her tongue has a heart

9 months old

10 months old and my first GROOMER appointment

1 year old

We adopted a new dog. she's a sheepadoodle and 1 years old. we just got her, here is pics of meah and lola together a few days ago :)
jan 5, 2019


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Great news!

Thank you so much for posting! She’s adorable! My lil guy looks exactly like as a puppy! It will be fun to see how he turns out.

added new pics of her at a year old. 

Oh, the Christmas pic is epic! And Lola looks like she’s fitting right in with her new family! Thanks again for posting. This gives me a sliver of hope that maybe my Charlie boy will doodle out a little more. :)

She’s beautifully red and wavy and, while her muzzle growth isn’t huge, it’s perfect for her.  Perhaps keeping her a bit longer will showcase those gorgeous wavy curls and that truly magnificent tail. 

added new pics and we adopted a new dog :)

lola is getting shaved today, so will add new pics :P

everyone meet Lola, she was born dec 28, 2017. we got her jan 5, 2019. her old owner just was too busy to take care of her so we decided on adopting her :)  

she's a sheepadoodle. she got groomed yesterday. she is fitting in perfect with her new family. our house is busy but our hearts are so full <3 

Hi Lola! So cute :)

A lot of people think Riley is a sheepadoodle, her hair type looks just like a sheepdog but black instead of grey.

Congratulations to you and to Lola.  I'll bet she is going to LOVE being loved by your family.

Your Meah is beautiful. I have a Murphy that could be her twin brother. Yours is the first Doodle that I have seen with the same tail as his. Thank you so much for posting. Our Murphy just turned 6 months old. Good luck with adding Lola, she looks like a sweetie too!

Meah is adorable! Isn’t it funny how different they can look? My Oliver is 5.5 mos and has a similar look. He’s a multi-gen and his coat is very soft and doesn’t have much curl. He does have tons of facial “furnishings”. His coat has grown in so much in the past month or so. We can’t wait to see what he looks like as an adult. 

Do we have to trim him?? 



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