Jennings is enjoying the snow by sticking his head in piles of it to eat it, cool down and who knows what else. Unfortunately, he has a scratched eye and goop oozing from BOTH eyes (and I have the vet bill!), and I think it is from a stick that was under the snow he was playing in. I know it's hard to know what is under or in the snowbanks, but be careful! Jennings has to wear his "cone" around his neck again for 5 days so he won't paw at his eyes. :(
Poor guy. Halas loves to do this too. Our yard is pretty clear, but I'll have to keep a closer eye on him when we're out on walks. The cone makes a great snow scoop, so Jennings will probably still be able to have fun in the snow.
You're right... you never know what they will find! A woman told me at the park that her dog's face was busy in the snow for a while, and when she came up for air, she had a dead squirrel in her mouth. Gross!!!!
Thanks for the info! Oski looooves to snuffle around in the snow, digging holes & then stuff his head in them up to his shoulders so it must be a doodle thing, lol. Hope Jennings is feeling better soon!
Same story here - Mazie LOVES to stick her head in the snow, so thanks for the warning. I hadn't even thought about these dangers. Mazie sends kisses and I send my best. Feel better, Jennings!