Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need to get back out there and challenge myself, so I am suggesting this assignment for anyone interested. Let's challenge ourselves with mirrors. Tell a story using a mirror or a reflection. 

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There was celebration in our town put on by the Art Alliance where school kids painted these giant balls and they were floated in our local lake.  To get a sense of the size of the balls:

Wow!  Those are really giant balls.   Great reflections, Nancy. 

Thank you.

Really nice!

Thanks.  It really was a cool sight.

Those are really cool!  And big!  It would be fun to be in that boat.

The person in the boat's job was to haul in the balls that lost air and refill and replace them.

Love the creativity expressed in these images!

Thank you. I think this was done all over the country, but I appreciated it in my own town. 

I would love to see something like this around our area. Those balls are amazing!

Fabulous and FUN!   

When we go on longer trips, especially on the motorcycle, I take photos to pass the time - it's that or sleep and sleeping on the bike is a definite No No.  capturing a reflection when riding is pretty hopeless, hence a huge challenge.  Here are a few successful ones, especially the one of the truck where the mountains are perfectly reflected. That one was taken from the back of the bike.



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