Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I have a Zoey too! She is darling. My Zoey doesn't shed, but started matting at about 6-7 months. I'm guessing coat change. I had to start brushing her much more often and seriously, I use a Christensen pin brush, Les Pooches brush, and a metal comb. Detangling spray when I really need it. I get her cut shorter in the summer so not as much trouble.
In the winter when her hair is longer, I have to brush her every other day. She gets these little itsy-bitsy mats that come out in the brush and look like cotton candy. Groomer every 6 wks, but I only shampoo her every other time. She doesn't smell or itch. Just basic dog shampoo.
If I had a dog that shed, and still got mats, I would use a Safari dematting tool. Its just a comb that cuts through the tangles. I used it on my previous dog and worked great.
Late for a coat change, but it sounds more like one than not. Some doodles do a seasonal coat blow-out - maybe it is something she will do from time to time and once the undercoat is brushed out, she won't shed again until the next blow-out. I think I would provide a shampoo for the groomer to use on her. Maybe one by Chris Christensen - something for coats that are dry and mat or by Cowboy Magic. The brush I always go back to is the slicker by Activet or Les Poochs (same brush). The brushing is only to be able to get a comb through. For specific mats I use Cowboy Magic Detangler (it's like vasoline) - put it on a mat, making sure you are coating it well, then brush the mat out. I also use Horse Mane 'N Tail Spray on Detangler. I spay an area, wait a bit, then brush comb. Both Cowboy Magic and Horse Mane 'N Tail have silicone and are slippery, so when you apply, remember that the floor around you can become slippery - perhaps put a towel down.
MGT is a great substitute for the LesPoochs/Activet slicker. I have one also. It is way cheaper. The downside is that both sides of the brush are not usable - one side has straight tines and useless.
I have the MGT flexible soft double sided slicker brush for Jasper and I bought it for the side with the straight pins, lol. The bent slicker pins seem to hurt him; he can actually tell which side of the brush I'm using and will fight me if I use the side with the bent pins. I find the straight pins work well for his coat, but of course he is a purebred Poodle, not a doodle, and has a different coat.
You might want to post this in the grooming group also. I haven't had a dog do a coat change this late but it sounds like one. On this site we call it "the dreaded coat change" because the puppy coat that is falling out gets tangled in the adult coat that is coming in and you need to brush AND comb every single day to stay on top of it. When Kona when through it he was shaved down and that does make it easier to get on top of. I hope you have lots of luck grooming your pretty Zoe successfully.
Bonnie, In my old age :-} I've finally realized that Ned sheds. While he doesn't have a doggy odor or leave hairs (other than the occasional pin knot) . He really mats at the skin level. He must have an undercoat that gets caught in the outer one. It is the only thing I can think of for his serious matting. He really has a high maintenance coat which began at the normal coat change time and lasted for 2 more years, and while it is less so now, he still requires professional monthly grooming or he is one mass of mats and still needs tons of in-between brushing.
All of my Poodles matted and I can assure you that none of them shed a single hair ever and did not have an undercoat. All purebred Poodles' coats will matt if not brushed out thoroughly a couple of times a week.
I think the problem with doodles like Ned who matt so badly is that the coats are not as woolly as purebred Poodles. I know that "fleece" coats (whatever those are, lol) are more desirable in ALDs than wool coats, but I have to tell you that wool coats are a lot easier to maintain. They are hard and springy, nad have none of that tangly, soft, cotton candy-ish quality that i see in so many doodles. I think the softness of the fleece coats is what causes them to knot and tangle more and develop matts more easily.
I agree about the soft coats matting more easily.
Our Bichon matted like crazy, her coat was very fine and soft. I guess that would be a "fleecy" coat?
I'd classify Riley's as "fleece" like as well, of course it's still a puppy coat but it's basically straight so it doesn't seem to tangle too easily.
Luna's coat was more wiry but she had a softer undercoat and the areas where her hair was finer (under ears, groin/armpits and bum) that tangled quite easily.
Ned is cotton candy pure and simple. Charlie’s is definitely fleece and actually as soft as our springer’s was. He does not may as badly as Ned.
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