Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need to get back out there and challenge myself, so I am suggesting this assignment for anyone interested. Let's challenge ourselves with mirrors. Tell a story using a mirror or a reflection. 

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Thank you, Nancy. 

This was taken in Sept on Fogo Island, NL. According to the Flat Earth Society Fogo has one of the four corners of the world. I had to be really careful not to walk off the edge. :>) There's an open invitation to me and a few of my peeps for a return visit. Any takers? The second photo is not mine but it is awesome and it's a very pricey hotel on Fogo Island and no I didn't stay there but Gwyneth Paltrow and quite a few other celebrities have.

Love these shots of a cabin and hotel impossibly perched. So glad you didn’t fall off the earth.

Wonderful images. 

Both photos are stunning, but yours reflects the color and flavor of the area.  Yours certainly tells a story - I can thing of several 'Once upon a time" stories for that house.

These are gorges photos of a gorgeous place.  Hope to visit you soon!

I would love to visit that area!  I've never made it east of Montreal.  All your photos are wonderful!

Truly lovely.

WOW ! ! !  Gorgeous, Nancy.

One of my favorite places, beautiful light.

Thank you.  Pismo is our favorite place. 



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