Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Riley is scheduled for her spay surgery a few weeks from now at 7 months old and I am looking at e collar type options in case I want to order something off Amazon.

The vet's office sells e collars (unsure what type forgot to ask) nd those pyjama type things ("medical pet shirt"). Riley is clumsy and tries to eat everything so I know she will fuss over stitches.  I saw they sell inflatable collars on amazon are those any good?

Luna never touched her incision site at all but I foresee Riley being a menace...

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Did they use glue on the outside or actual stitches? That maybe the difference. Stella had to go back after 10 days and have hers removed. 

Dissolving stitches so we don't have to go back - the instruction sheet says they can take 4-6 weeks to fully dissolve.

There are usually dissolving stitches internally, and then options for the external stitches. 

Oh ok. I bet that's why it says 7 then. I honestly thought that's what we were gonna come home with and we didn't. 

Got the all clear from vets office to start light activity since her incision appears to be closed and not looking suspicious.  Riley is celebrating her new untethered freedom checking the kitchen floor for crumbs and throwing her ball for herself lol.

So glad she got the all clear. I bet she is SOOO excited lol

I think I'm more excited than she is lol.. been driving us nuts!

Yay! So happy for both of you!
Now get ready to comiserate with me in a week. I already have a feeling that Jasper is going to be a major PITA about all this. 

My best advice is lots of interesting chew objects... Riley demolished a $15 Himalayan chew (wolf sized) and gave a nylabone dura chew many new ragged edges this week :p  hopefully he is more civilized about leaving his stitches alone than expected, Riley was!

Unforeseen drawback to the medical pet shirt... Riley's whole chest was all matted from wearing that shirt day and night.  I just spent half an hour brushing and combing out her chest.  Look at all the hair and mats just from her chest!  Standard straight tooth comb for scale...  there are still a couple stubborn mats in her armpits to get later today since her patience has run out for now :p  I guess wearing the shirt prevented her hair from shedding properly and it got all tangled.

Yeah, keeping clothing on some dogs will do that for some reason. I think I'm sticking with a collar of some kind. Hopefully the inflatable, but if I have to go to the big hard plastic monstrosity, I will. 

Karen, Except for a foster my dogs have left incisions pretty much alone. Just to give you hope that it could be easy. No cones used other than the foster. All boys though 



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